Quantum Cores - Updates begin 8 September


I’ll try to be clearer to avoid further miscommunication. It might even be best just to describe my current situation.

I rely on Free Port Raitarus owned by small groups to produce t2. These Raitarus are usually more than 15 jumps from Jita. I do this because the Engineering Complexes owned by ICY or other big bloc proxies that are near Jita are too expensive to be profitable due to the high system Index cost of solar systems near Jita.

There are multiple high-sec groups who are dedicated to attacking Raitaru owned by small 10 man corps with 50-100 man Leshak fleets.

When you stick a guaranteed 600M bounty on high-sec Raitaus, the Dawn, PIRATE, CODE etc are just going to rampage and these Free ports that I use will disappear. I will then be left with two options. I will have to build near Jita or in an NPC station with a low solar system index.

It’s safe to say that both of these will cost about the same, maybe a little more near jita. The system index will just keep raising until it cost a little more to produce in an Engineering comples near jita than it does in an NPC station more distance. Then some folks will move until the two cost roughly equalize.

Now, my competitors also have to eat these same costs so really all it doesn’t put me at that much of a disadvantage. I think that might be something a few of the other commentators here might not be thinking about.

However, what it does do is force me to move my production back to jita or into an NPC station.

CCP have stated explicitly that it is their desire to disburse manufacturing away from Jita and out of NPC stations. This change does the opposite and I think maybe they are looking at the bloc war and not thinking about the unintended consequences.

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