Quantum Cores - Updates begin 8 September

I haven’t seen anybody talking about it being more expensive. The way the arguments have been framed they’ve been arguing nobody will be able to do what the currently do at all, which is what I took issue with.

See, I use the term structure to mean pretty much anything in space you can dock in. It doesn’t matter for the purposes of this conversation, though, because stations and citadels provide similar services - not all the same, and not for the same price, and not with fees paid to the same place, obviously. But the idea that a small group will be totally screwed by not being able to own their own infrastructure is obviously not true.

YOU are missing the point. Stations are NOT free to use, on the opposite they cost MORE than structure, otherwise people would use stations over structures.

FFS you are completely distorting the reality to make it fit your mind.

But yes, by the definition of what is market. IF you can’t make money from a thing, then your activity becomes impossible.

Which is literally what I wrote : CCP is forcing people to join big groups or get ■■■■■■.

Yes, because they are not stupid : instead of doing something that CCP made at loss, they won’t.
Again, that’s just CCP ■■■■■■■ small groups. Which is literally what people are telling here.

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Again eve continue to make more changes to the game and all it does is puts more money in their pockets instead of giving a ■■■■ on what eve players think this is so stupid makes me want to move back to high sec and ■■■■ all the citadel and use npc structures in high sec

That’s not clear. We’ve asked for that clarification.

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This is right based on what I’ve rereviewed.

Yeah, including me. How many times do I have to say that this screws over the small groups, especially in highsec, before you stop acting like I’m wrong just because you don’t like the person saying the same damned thing you are?


Do you have to pay money for a station to exist?

This is obviously not true, either. There is plenty of industry that’s subsidized and would otherwise operate at a loss. There was literally a guy in here saying that he keeps a freeported Sotiyo up even though it costs him money because he wanted to provide the service.

You don’t have to join one of those groups to use their services when those services are freeported. Perimeter is filled with open-to-the-public structures protected by the big groups. It still will be once this goes through.

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Here you go:

They lose the tethering, repair, and fitting capacity, but they don’t revert to the onlining timer. New structures, on the other hand, will never come out of the onlining timer, so they can’t have any weapons or defensive modules fitted, fighters loaded, market, cloning, mining laser, etc fitted, no rigs, etc etc. Can’t be fitted in any way at all. Which makes me question this:

Like, what possible ‘intent and purpose’ could a structure have if it can’t be fitted, has no defensive timer, can’t defend itself, can’t have any services, and is literally just a giant-ass mobile depot except even less survivable because little 4k m3 depots do have a reinforcement timer, and less useful because the depot lets you refit. All those structures would let you do is drop off cargo.

At first I thought you were just kind of trolling but now I think maybe you just don’t get it but are legitimately trying to address people’s concerns. I think the nature of forum is causing a miscommunication.

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Why on earth would I waste my time trolling people here? I’m only here so I don’t get fined.


How about you stop making assumption and personal attacks ? Your message WAS wrong when you claim “people could use stations instead of structures”.

I went back and reread some of the stuff we talked about and you’re right. It will shut some functions off, but it won’t shut the whole thing down.

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The structures I have put up in HS have a number of pre-requisites:

  1. To provide a service that the other stations/structures in the system don’t (I had one in a system with no other structures. Clonebay/market/indu/science. Had a profitable time.
  2. To provide a service the corp needs in a system (eg: clonebay in a system with no clonebays or a refinery in a system with no ability to refine/compress.

Speaking of compression - is it going to be added to NPC stations?

Give CCP a few days to sift through all this… stuff. I’m sure we will get more clarification.

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People can absolutely use stations instead of structures. Whether or not they will is going to depend entirely on whether or not they can still make money doing it. But if the options are ‘operate our own structure and replace it every X days because people want the core, and take a loss’ or ‘use an NPC station and make less money than we used to in our own stations pre-cores’, they will use the NPC station.

Do you make a station exist ?

You are completely missing my point. How you decide to spend your money is up to you, but how you earn that money relies on what is worth or not.

And you have to PAY THEM, which is the same thing as to join them.

LOL. No, it really isn’t. You can pay TEST and Horde to use their structures in Perimeter all day long, it won’t stop either one of them from shooting you the moment they see you in lowsec.

Nope. Just like a toilet I can use that I don’t have to pay for. It’s free.

Uh, not even close, lol.

Literally no, you need to pay to USE the services of the station.

Yes a tax IS paying them.

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