r/Eve - Confession of a botmaker

I have no reason to believe you, to be honest, and I think you’re just making up stories there.

Defending CCP? Yes, yes I am, because idiots are placing ALL of the blame on them without any consideration for what their job actually entails.

Wow, throw more hissy fits and see what that solves.

It is fairly well established that their are large scale botting empires, null wars are often fought over who gets to manage them…


Exactly this.


Hiss fits or not you’re defending a bunch of incompetent people getting paid and kept on pay for years

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Without evidence to support or refute this, I’m not going to argue this point. I don’t have to. To act like the botters aren’t in the wrong is juvenile. CCP have a responsibility, absolutely. But the botters are to blame.

I read it’s actually closer to 1.5 people. Not even sure you can still even call it a “team” going forward. Just goes to show how inept/incompetent CCP is. 10 PLEX says the corporations mentioned are still at it 6 months from now. What’s the point of even playing when rampant and blatant cheating like this is left unchecked?

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Totally disgusting. And no matter how many times it is exposed, and no matter how many times we vent, nothing 'effing changes.


It takes a few minutes to bring up an incredible array of results on Google when I search for botting in video games. You call them incompetent, I call them the most effective bot scrubbers in gaming at present. EVE has a botting problem? I’ll raise you a botting RMT infection in SWTOR and just about every F2P game on the market including world of tanks and war thunder. Gambling, wall hacking, etc, in CSGO is still a thing. GTA:Online might as well be a darkweb hacker meetup.

Incompetent? That’s called hyperbole, and I’ll bet every last cent that I earn for the rest of my life (which is no small sum as a freight pilot, I might add) that with the hyperemotional reaction you’re putting on display, you couldn’t even handle the job much less perform it competently.

I agree, we do not have any evidence to suggest CCP are incompetent, just a lack of progress in dealing with those same groups that players have been investigating and trying to expose for years - not necessarily an easy task for CCP to identify these bots, but then they have limited resources, a seemingly limited understanding of their own software (just how long was the unofficial hack for chinese localisation live), and of course the software itself is old an leaky…

Which is exactly why I’m prepared to extend them the benefit of the doubt. I don’t disagree that CCP have a responsibility, but to pretend that botters, hackers, cheaters, etc, are just innocent gamers who dindu nuffin is ridiculous.

Your perspective is just nonsense. It isn’t the responsibility of botters to stop botting. That’s just an asinine position. It is 100% the responsibility of CCP. We can’t expect botters to police themselves. It’s CCP’s job.

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You’ve got less than 2 players who’s primary job function is dealing wth hacked accounts. How you would even beging to police botting/macros/RMT for tens of thousands of players is beyond me. CCP is definitely inept and incompetent. Either they’ve given up on the war on botting or they knowingly decimated the security team responsible. Either way they’re culpable.

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That’s not my position. My position is, the botters are doing the wrong thing. This idea you keep repeating that it’s not their responsibility to stop botting is redundant. ‘responsibility’ is irrelevant here. They are cheating. They are breaking the TOS that they agreed to and giving themselves an advantage over you, me, and other innocent gamers.

Your position is, “the botters dindu nuffin”, and you can ■■■■ right off with that intellectually empty nonsense.

It isn’t the responsibility of thieves to stop stealing, either. That’s how you sound. It’s meaningless.

I find your ignorance and stupidity baffling.
Are you allowed to do normal everyday things without special supervision?


I’m sure you find a lot of things baffling.

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Hey, nice to know, but who gives a flying rat’s ass? Charles Manson did the wrong thing too, and he didn’t care. It was the responsibility and job of the police to catch him. Tell one hand it did the wrong thing, and sh!t in the other, and see which one fills up faster. So stupid.

That isn’t my position. My position is, focusing on the botters here is entirely unproductive, and purely nonsensical.

That is exactly true. It isn’t the responsibility of thieves to stop stealing, and expecting that, or wishing it to happen, is purely nonsensical.

People who want to make sure that the blame is cast in the correct vector. If you want to knee-jerk like this, and continue to pretend that the people who did the wrong thing didn’t do anything wrong here, you’re not going to get anywhere. You don’t have solutions, just accusations and lots of spittle flinging.

Also, you’re an idiot. There is no ‘responsibility’ to stop botting or stealing, this is a red herring you keep hurling about to support your dindu nuffin botting friends. A thief is in the wrong by virtue of stealing, and a botter is in the wrong by virtue of botting. They are to blame for the acts they perform. They don’t have a responsibility to stop, no. But they are responsible for the consequences of what they’ve done, and the act itself. If you don’t hold them accountable, they will continue to do it. That’s why we arrest thieves and hold them accountable for the acts they are responsible for.

Remiel do you believe ccp should dedicate/hire more that 2 employees towards Team Security that deals with hacked accounts rmt botting etc?

Or is 2 sufficient and ccp are doing an adequate job?
