Rant on a Common Misconception about Incursion Difficulty

Okay, so in other words, both still accept Machs.

You cant say “Never about survival” and then go and say “safer”.

Are you guys not targetting the outunis first? We would have snipers target outunis while they burn to the tower.

What are you talking about? Ive mentioned once, just once, that I was an FC, and everything else was our discussions regarding our own experiences, which is the only way we can discuss this. Why would you see this as “Willie waving”? Have I even once said “Oh i was a huge, really important guy in TVP, I was top dog, everyone came to me on how to run incursions, I was in charge of SRP, I basically ran the group, etc, etc”???

When you say things like “I have seen 40+ shield broadcast in the space in the space of a couple of minutes in sites.”, Ive never seen it, which is why I asked, how often does this happen. Because, depending on what you mean by “couple of minutes”, which is really vague, my guess is, not a lot. And your main point that you started off with, was around “Youre someone from outside the incursion community looking in”. How else am I going to refute that, than by telling you my experience when i was a part of the incursion community?

Sure, you can always find someone in 30 rorquals making 100 billion an hour and say the ISK is crap compared to that. But the problem isnt the comparison above, its the comparison below, and compared to a lot of other activities, and the risk involved, the payouts are really, really good.

The existence, yes.

The level, no.

Thats why youre wrong. And until you address that fact, youre still wrong.

A herd and organized fleet are 2 completely different things.

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A herd can become an organized fleet very quickly if the FC starts targetting his herd.

that would make sense if you actually defined what the “level” is, which is formal definition of the risk.

You keep repeating the same thing without adressing the issue : if you can’t prove that formally the risk has decreased then your claim is BS.

Weve already been over this.

Youve already agreed with me that players can reduce their risk.

And this is completely unrelated to the risk of the activity in itself.
You are complaining that players adapted and reduced the risk, which is stupid : the risk of the activity did not change, the experience of the players made them play in a less risky way.

Your are complaining that players became better at the activity, and so the reward should be decreased, which is completely utterly stupid.

Here :

You’re wasting your time. Andersen will not give in … ever.

There are four main Incursion communities at the moment three have banned Machs outright and one after nearly eight years has introduced the minimum requirement of T2 guns. Because everyone is sick to death of mach pilots joining fleets and doing absolutely sod all to contribute.

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And again, weve already been over this.

You are discussing two different aspects of risk. The existence, and the level.

Youve already admitted that the level or risk has, and can be decreased.

Ill break it down for you since you seem to be somewhat slow.

Yes, the existence of risk has not changed.

Yes, the level of risk has decreased, to become less risky.

Thats what nerfs and buffs are meant to do. CCP looks at the overuse or underuse of a specific meta or tactic, and then changes the game in a way that reflects that.

No I did not.
That’s YOUR claim that the risk of the activity has decreased, which is BS.

No it did not. Players did adapt and gain experience, but the risk of the activity did not change.

unrelated. Your claim that the risk of the activity has decreased is BS.

No, you wrote this:

Are you honestly saying that you wrote this, but dont agree that it is true?

Dont be dishonest, Anderson Geten.

I wrote this, and it is right, and you claim is wrong, for the reasons I gave.

Clearly it is your claim, too.

Clearly you need to learn to read.

The risk of the activity has not been reduced over the last years.
If anything, the nerf to resists has increased it.

When you claim the risk decreased, your claim is BS.

You mean like how you “read” that i said the activity does not have risks, when I never said that to begin with?

Sorry, im not going to trust you to judge whether someone has adequate reading comprehension or not.

Whatever. Your claim is BS, that’s not trust but fact. The risk of incursion has not decreased.

Hey guys, it looks like this conversation has devolved into an argument. Maybe it’s time to agree to disagree?

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But I like arguments and discussions.

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