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Haven’t seen that before. Wonder how long it will take to introduce something that makes even that obsolete though. :slight_smile:

Exactly. Hence the bonus question :wink: You said some tech2 ships can overtake some t3 ships. Do you have exemples?
I’ve chosen to strictly do PvP ie: space combat against whatever ship strikes my fancy. Obviously I’m going to need at least t2 ship with t2 modules, train into all of that and perfect it all through skills and learning the ropes. I know it will take many months just getting the hang of it and I don’t want to mine, do missions, P.I, hauling or any of that other stuff. None of those interest me.
So, yeah :yawning_face: it’s very hard to stay logged in right now. 45min tops to check where I stand on my skilling and other little odds and ends, some bs-ing in chat and then it’s logoff to another game… So, just trying to get informed ahead of time.


Its incredible how much my words have made some people so very butthurt.

Ditto to this guy. There are donut pillows made for this sort of butthurt guys. Invest.

Something the killboard does not reflect is the number of targets I have passed up for being apparent noobs. When I have killed noobs it was generally because I was concerned they had a buddy that was going to warp to them or some issue like that. I have had them locked, scrammed and webbed and let them go. Ask Eul Capsu about me.

I am not a jerk. I also don’t take disagreements between the forum and the game. That’s a pretty immature thing to even suggest.

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  1. I have no issue with you, I only offered some information to @Fale_Einn who expressed to want to hunt you. I enjoy finding information about characters and wanted to share this info.

  2. My description of ‘easy’ targets was not intended as judgmental.
    It was merely an observation that you shoot untanked frigates and destroyers that can be freely engaged in high sec space without CONCORD intervention.

Some people do not like blobbing, some dislike suicide ganking, some don’t like anti-ganking, some dislike blopsers, some dislike capital ships etc. I’m not that judgmental about PvP targets, do whatever you find fun.

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Well thanks a lot. Providing free info and insight on how to hunt others…based on a forum dispute…its a wonder anyone would take exception to that. :upside_down_face: Carry on.

It depends on what you want your ship to do. Pretty much every ship in EVE has a purpose and there are many situations where a T3 ship is good, but also many where there are other ships better.

For example, I enjoy flying logi ships in PvP fleets. The T2 cruisers are perfect for this. A T3 cruiser could do it too, but is a lot more expensive, a little worse at repairing and you lose some skillpoints when you get killed. On the other hand, the T3 cruiser can bring command links to the fleet in that setup, making it a valuable addition if you want to do that.

Another example: A T3 cruiser can be fit for fleet combat pretty well, but if you use a T2 Assault cruiser instead, you deal similar damage but can use the assault damage control to stay alive under fire longer.

T3 destroyers also have their ups and downs. For example, they’re great when you want to combat probe someone (they have bonuses to fit probe launchers more easily), but they cannot launch a warp bubble like a T2 interdictor destroyer, and cannot bring command links or a Micojump generator for your fleet like T2 command destoyers.

Each ship has their place, find what works best for what you want to do. :wink:

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Seems to me taking it to the game rather than go on about it here would be the classier thing to do.


I’m not actually, I just have a weird sense of humor.

Thank you for that, good advice is always welcome. Hell, even bad advice can be educational, but yours helped quite a bit, it showed me a lot about two things. Most directly how far I have to go to take something like that on, and secondly that zkillboard is for more than just showing off. That last bit is something I should do a lot more often.

To mirror what others say, flying “your favorite ship” will just get you popped.

The best ship is always dependent on the circumstances. For instance, if you are going to low-sec to try to get 1v1s (good luck) you would want to fly a ship/fit that has favorable odds against as many of the most common fits as possible.

Another thing to consider is the types of ships that will engage you. If you fly around a t2 frig, don’t expect to fight anything less than another t2 frig and fit your ship to counter the most common t2 frigates that you fight while roaming.

You can be creative too. At one point I was flying around dual-web/no-prop Beam Punishers with a slave set and winning like crazy vs all kinds of faction frigs just because my fit countered the meta and was super engageable (everyone wants to shoot the t1 frig).

To give a contrasting example, if I’m baiting high sec mission runners I want to fly a frigate for engageability but that frigate has to be able to tank like a beast AND do ~500dps+ so it can break a battleship tank. There’s only really 1 ship (the nergal) that fits that profile. There’s a ton of other ships I’d love to fly for this but since none of them come close to the power that the nergal has in this scenario I never fly any of them.

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You don’t have to judge at all, that’s why words have definitions.

“The definition of a jerk is slang for someone who treats others badly”.

Not saying I haven’t done it. Just saying I know what it is, and don’t bother to rationalize.

It is a noice lookin ship, mate, but what does it do well?

It helps you wave your space dick at the commoners pretty well.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

It allows me to interact with the community when I have need to be logged into Tranquility. :grinning:


Oh get over yourself. This is EVE, not My Little Spacepony Online. If you can’t handle being targeted for your forum posting then don’t post on forums.

PS: my favorite ship is whichever one @Fale_Einn uses to gank you and claim your corpse.


I had fun running the old pipe with one “travel” fitted stuffed with 1.5 bil in pi in a Serpentis skin on a Fri/Sat nite just to see who was paying attn. They got me twice in two yrs. That was fun!


Have you ever got ganked in it? I wonder how many seconds it’d hold together :thinking:

It cannot be targeted by anything, which makes it ideal for helping players out.


Can it be bumped?

Yes, it can.

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