Rebalance Incursion Mothership Sites

The argument is circular without an end. We both have our own opinion on the subject, that doesn’t really matter. The discussion is about a change to the mechanic, but the arguments are to it being changed at all and not ideas for better gameplay, so what’s the point continuing it. People share my opinion just as they share yours, but the argument about arguments is a waste of both our time so why continue it, its an echo chamber because no one else is chiming in so there is no point in responding to continue this non-discussion.

It’s my understanding it’s some market PvP/manipulation thing. Curious as to what it is exactly, as the value of Concord LP hasn’t changed that much.

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HS Incursion runners have ALOT of concord LP They could crash the market to nothing at will.

Well CCP said no to gankers


Another band aid solution lol But I expected it since incursions are currently shelved.

Sure is nice that someone can’t just end an incursion with 0 counterplay… Was kind of the entire point of the arguments and whatnot. The question on hand was “How can 1 group of people ruin ISK generation for the vast majority?” CCP pretty much just split things right down the middle since most incursions last 5-6 days.

Welp it will be another 5 years before incursions will get patched or just removed lol. But till then. Gankers welcome to snipe us on the way to focus or hang around in 0.5 HQ systems like they did always.

Either way I am a bit happy. Still bummed core problems exist. This doesn’t stop gankers from ending the incursion early to make us move more often and wasn’t that their entire point WAS to make us move more often to gank more ships through the pipes?

Did I miss anything EVE forums?

This thread can be closed as CCP seemed to more or less implement what I originally suggested.

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I’m just speculating here, but it is possible that the point, at least in part, is to try and mobilize a sizable organized group to resist by thinking of a plan to defend the sites. I haven’t played in quite a while now, but the classic gankers I knew were not just trying to kill things because they could, but were pushing the agenda that people should engage with content beyond just mindlessly grinding/farming it for ISK. Shooting was just a means to promote that mentality and break people out of the farmer mindset.

I’m skeptical that there’s truly nothing an organized group could do, especially with all that gankers have to put up with in order to succeed, but I am far removed from Eve in general and I never wanted to do incursions because of how rigid and boring they seem to be. I never learned the details of how they work mechanically or how they might be attacked so maybe there really isn’t in spite of my doubt of the fact. I’m inclined to think that nobody really tried, though.

There is no “defense” of the site. It’s a contest. Highest DPS/damage applied wins. Long as the site (mothership) goes down either way who cares about a 60mil payout?

All good

It’s just kill NPCs and get payout. Literally group missions. There is no way to actually engage beyond the content because it is such a surface level activity. Sure there is like 0.1% of RP but that is it. Being practical sets in VERY fast.

Oh they are.

Noone tried because partly of the carebear mentality and majorly because there is no way to “defend” from the mothership from going down as you mention. The reward from spinning up our own ganker alts vs just going to literally any activity is not there.

I am confident you got a good idea of my leanings on ganking/pvp/pve Qia. I always advocated for a solution that would be best for both parties that expands content beyond what is here.

I wish CCP actually added more content to sansha incursions. But for now we can all just go back to the status quo and farm ISK mindlessly after RL work. Just like the trig content sansha incursions will be shelved for probably a long time and it breaks my heart.

I know you as generally decent, as in someone who doesn’t resort to forum mud slinging without provocation, so I thought I’d offer what points of view I could think of. I do appreciate your explaining your point of view and your beliefs on the subject, whether I agree with you or not, since if we all agreed there wouldn’t be much to discuss.

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Flag the post and ask the ISDs to close it :slight_smile:

meanwhile, J-Spacers are furiously selling Marauders or Leshaks and buying up Naglfars…

The cost of my krab’fleet just went up 5x

Closed due a Request of the Op.

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