Rebalance Incursion Mothership Sites

But weren’t you whining about removing content from EvE. And how bad that is for the community?

It may not have been you. All the whiners just blur and run together at some point. Just easier to lump them all into one stereotypical group.

Yes and to be replaced with NEW content, but CCP doesn’t seem to ever stick with new content similar to incursions before dropping it or changing it into pvp centric content.

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I noticed that too. The last good thing they did was the trigs invading high sec. Now that was fun.


Would love for the trig/edencom content to enter phase 2 its sat dorment for awhile now.

I am not triggered over a video game…
I am triggered by the idiots that cant play it and want to have their hands, head, and arse held for them.

Long time ago i was taught carebear = ppl that cant or wont attempt to affect things through in game means that exist but will instead only cry to CCP to get involved for no reason at all.

They need to learn how to play, or STFU
They need to go play a single player game and STFU

carebear =scrub or a pleb that cant wipe their own arse.


You seem more distressed over a video-game than, well, I won’t say it. But I think the folks here are smart enough to finish this thought for themselves.

Wow, this thread has turned into the predictable dumpster fire.


Just for academic research purposes, do you believe it is possible to have a legitimate complaint regarding some aspect of Eve’s mechanics, or are all complaints of that type whining?

If it is possible to have a legitimate complaint, what differentiates a legitimate complaint from whining?

To be up front, I’m not going anywhere with this. If you answer the question I will read it, but probably won’t interact with it further. I am just curious as to what you’d say, if you were inclined to say anything at all.

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Complaining about mechanics that have been inherently part of the game since day one for 21 years now constitutes whining.

Sure. When the compliant is sent directly to the party in question and discussed between the two parties. Sometimes with an ombudsman. Like a complaint department. Or a ticket. It ceases to be a complaint when it’s “discussed” on an open and public forum. Then it’s just whining and trying to win attention and favoritism.

I really just wish incursions were updated or just removed at this point. I don’t get why CCP shelved sansha incursions AND trig content.

They removed Trig content from high sec because the carebears and AFK miners were whining about getting killed by the emerging conduits and roving Trig patrols.

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So they decided adding permanent gate camp systems in the form of minor victory / fortress systems was better. And then adding content like fobs and insurgencies which also makes the systems more dangerous. That doesn’t really add up.

Forums are for discussion. This sub forum is called Player Ideas. A problem for some players was brought up with suggestions to balance it. It’s your own biased opinion towards any criticism of the game that brings you to the conclusion that any suggestion for change equates to only complaining. The game is constantly being changed or tweaked by ccp, with or without player feedback.

I meant more like edencom goes full force into pochven caputures 1 of the systems and opens the gates to highsec/lowsec.

Then allows players to capture other pochven trig systems and every system edencom captures the gates open back to their original spots and every trig system closes them so players can decide what they want to push for.

But the security status stay -1.

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Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.

First, I was answering Qia. Interjecting into a question between two people like that, both verbal, or on a forum is rude.

But sure, it’s a discussion not a place to make a complaint known. Like your whine thread about a player, playing the game as intended and destroying your source of isk because you’ve found a way to turn it into, in my opinion, an exploit. Your complaint should have been done through a ticket. If you don’t like people telling you you’re whining, then don’t open it for discussion.

Hi Pot. My name is Kettle…
See, you just pointed out the whole problem. You think that your biased opinion is the the reason for a change to exist in the first place and anyone else, whose biased opinion that goes against your narrative is not worth consideration because as you keep pointing out is, biased.

Really!? Wow. I had no idea. And here I thought that every time I log in, and having to wait around for an update was because I thought CCP just enjoyed making people sit around at the log in screen for no good or apparent reason! Thanks for shedding light in that.

Don’t answer it publicly then. Kind of hypocritical to the point you are trying to make.
Why would I open a ticket and waste a GM’s time if I already know its not an exploit or bug issue, but just a problem with game design. That’s not what tickets are for.

Except it’s not actually a problem and it doesn’t need balancing.

1: An Incursion site spawns. Said site can be accessed and run by anyone.
2: Group A chooses not to run the site immediately.
3: Group B chooses to run the site immediately.

I fail to see how this is a ‘problem’ that needs CCP intervention. If Group A wants to run the site, then they are free to do so. They just have to get there before Group B.

The risk:reward for hisec incursions is already skewed heavily towards the ‘reward’ end. It’s some of the best ISK you can make through PvE endeavours.

Personally, I think Incursions should be a lowsec/nullsec only activity.

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Malcom, it appears that you don’t want to have a discussion at all. Anytime anyone offers a different point of view, that is counter to yours, you try to brush it off, or discredit it as biased. But you fail to see that your own evaluation is biased in itself. A behavior that has spanned multiple threads. And one that I am calling out and shining a light on. Which you hate.

You don’t want a discussion. You want an echo chamber. Filled with voices that match your own narrative.

Sorry bro. You’re wrong (and yes, it’s a biased assessment) The noctis had no redeeming qualities. Inside or outside J space. Hawk is playing the game as intended. And you’ve failed to change my mind in it.

But pro tip. It was never about changing my mind. Or yours. It was about sharing biased opinions. That’s what an open discussion is all about.

What I do find interesting is that I have agreed with you on specific points. But because I don’t agree with you on the total assessment, you’ve gone into trouble tushy mode.

So what. I have a different evaluation of the game than you. Isn’t that what makes it such a diverse and fun environment? Why do you want everyone to be a clone of you? What will you gain from it?

If you want to discuss the problems with EvE, fine. Do so. But expect pushback. And don’t expect CCP to pander to you. I doubt they even look at this thread consistently.

You say the game is broken. But you don’t want to bother the GMs about it with tickets? How backwards is that? It’s like you want it to stay broken so you can complain about it. If that’s your game, then fine. Have fun. Or maybe it’s just for attention and someone to debate with? Is that the goal. If so, then why constantly shut down other peoples input?

What is it that you really want from these discussions. Because you say one thing. But your behavior is wildly different.