Rebalance Incursion Mothership Sites


Making up an excuse for your grieving does not make it less grieving.

Yeah and you can also pretend things without a basis. It only makes those pretense, stupid.

You avoid the point.

No it’s not.

This latest focus saw the highsec incursion spawning on an island (that’s highsec completely surrounded by lowsec/nullsec). This would be an example of incursion runners denying content to other incursion runners by finishing the mothership site while still well into established phase of the incursion, not just localized to some highsec gankers making plays or whatever. Any comments about “Just gank them back, lol” are pointless as these few people boxing 60+, brought cruise ravens and suicide ospreys, losing over half their osprey wing, and a few ravens in the process. This doesn’t prevent anything, or deter people from doing so. Once again restating my proposal of moving the kundalini site spawning until mobilizing phase. Also upping the difficulty of the mothership site; the site to close the incursion should be the most challenging, not something a few megaboxers can do with cheap fit t1 hulls.

I totally agree with Malcom Galora.
Incursions must be reworked and rebalanced or changed with suitable content replacement for all the HS PVE-ers

Lot of hidden messsages here.

The issue here, is that @Malcolm_Galora has apparently been asked or took it upon himself to represent the “incursion community” to save their ISK/LP printing gameplay.

The story arc for the incursions has been long over…
There is no griefing here, for all any of us know Safety have discovered a group being fed the majority of this ISK…and so for all intent and purposes their actions is a Declared War upon a group that the war dec mechanic can not be applied.

SO basically, it is emergent gameplay…and if the incursion community want something done…they need to strap on their boots and jump into the mud and get dirty…


STFU and move on


This post is over 2 months old now. What you’ve said has already been said. So who are you telling to STFU?

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Aiko. Please stop forum-ganking these poor, down trodden incursion bears. Can’t you see that you’ve spanked them to the point that their poor tushies have become so troubled and irate that all they have left is crying on the interweb to daddy CCP to rescue them and their isk faucet?

Have mercy. When is enough, enough? Besides paying you 1 bil isk, obviously…

You, I think.

Stop whining and kill the mothership yourself.

If you would just try, I’m sure you can do it. There is a big payout, so hurry and get it before someone else does.


Like other forum threads with similar topics, a lot of people seem to gravitate towards what I would call ‘salt-baiting’ to where nothing on the original topic is discussed or expanded on, and instead all that is said is to get a rise out of people. It’s all off-topic nonsense. Save it for your blog please.

Why should other players be punished, just because they are completing PvE content faster than you?

You just want easy isk falling from the sky, and aren’t willing to put in the effort to kill the mothership before we do. You complain about people not having isk, but if you would stop being lazy, you could kill the mothership and get the isk. In fact, if you agree to do it, I will hire you to kill it, but you need to be quick.

We have to stop Sansha!


Isn’t that the whole point of the incursions? To stop Daddy Sansha from implanting all those folks with his mind controlling chips? Why wouldn’t you want to take out that MoM as fast as possible?

Isn’t that the intended gameplay mechanic? I would think that farming it, would be considered some sort of exploit?

I think, what should happen is after the site opens, a timer starts counting down from the first shot fired. After 60 minutes, if the MoM isn’t popped every just NPC sansha ship, including the MoM warps away and the site despawns. And if that happens, no payout occurs for any of the ships capsuleers did manage to destroy.

That would ensure that farming is put to an end. The spirit of the event is still upheld.

I’m surprised to see gankers running the site I thought they would put like 20 tornados with cloaks inside the site and wait for a bling ship to get low decloak 3 pew and so on.

If the site is not run at all, pilots do not get their LP payouts from the incursion focus. A similar mechanic.
Lots of ideas have been put out there to better promote a balanced and satisfying conclusion to the event. Right now there is no benefit to finishing it on day one as opposed to the final day. That is one reason why incursion runners simply choose not to run it. That could be something else considered to better balance the content. The longer the mothership site is present the less rewards you get from running the other sites. CONCORD applies a payout penalty depending on what stage the focus is in. 0% penalty on established, 10% when the mothership spawns, 25% on mobilizing, 50% on withdrawing, something like that.
Maybe even if it gets away without being completed, the time till respawn is lengthened.
Finishing the mothership site should also give an inverse reward system, like a time completion bonus from concord.

Most pve content doesn’t make sense if you think about it enough. In missions you are often either blitzing the mission or milking the site for isk value. In pocheven you can play against both sides and kill both dreads in the last room of the obs for double rewards. And pretty much all pve elements of fw are kind of counter intuitive to the actual point of the content.
The incentive for the ones headshotting the focus is not connected to the actual content itself, as already said multiple times, they consistently fail to get any payout reward from the site when another fleet is present to counter them. Sometimes even losing ships due to their own ineptitude to the dangers of running the site. So I’m not surprised to see zero suggestion for change to the site that would actually improve the content for everyone from their side.

Im telling you to STFU and stop being a CAREBEAR

You sound triggered.

Why are you so triggered over a video game?

Perhaps you should step away and get out of your mom’s basement. Get some fresh air. Get a new hobby.

If the carebears want to cry over their isk faucet being shut down, buy a person who’s playing the incursion as intended, let them. It’s funny to see the ludicrous justifications they’ve been coming up with to keep the faucet going.

Get some popcorn and have a good laugh. It’ll do your soul wonders.

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That sounds complicated.

How about, if the MoM isn’t successfully destroyed within 60 of the first incision NPC being shot at (or the NPC shooting at the player) than no payout whatsoever.

It’ll force you to finish the incision if you want your isk and LP.

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.

Havn’t you thought that maybe they want to stop you from farming it.


Big surprise that people who do PVE in eve want to maximize their money. It’s a very stupid argument to make.

There exceeds 60 npcs in just one hq site, one of the HQ sites not requiring you to kill a single npc to complete. Payouts are tied to site completion.
Incursions have been a thing for a long long time now. You can look up any minute detail and see exact stats and methods for completion. It’s a joke that it hasn’t been changed in a decade and still complained about.
They need to be changed or removed, simple as.