Rebalance of drilling ships.2021

I really feel there are a lot of options to look at, that I don’t see posted really or I missed them. A lot of people are worried about the Orca, but what if the Orca Command Boost made your fleet mine 2x, 3x, 4x faster? Command burst covered a larger area to make moon mining more efficient. Had an over-the-top defensive buff to protect the fleet, via old mining drone buffs are new attack drone buffs. But on the flip side of the coin, it lost its mining ability altogether. It would be enough incentive I think people would fly it, people would want a boost from it, and it would be on the field in group play more.

For the other mining ships, as long as the risk-reward is kept in check, it doesn’t matter really. If I could change anything it would be T2 exhumers with better roles i.e. ore, ice, moon. There are three ships, and it is a little like that already, but really make them very specific to that. That would ensure all flew them and they are in space being used. No one looks at Kronos and thinks, “Oh she must be doing LVL 1 security missions today”. Give them a role a real one, not a half-butt one.

We shall see I like mining and good or bad I am not leaving, I just hope CCP is thinking what makes the game fun and makes people enjoy it more.



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Read most of this thread and wow
Been mining for over 10 years, and have adapted to all the changes, just hope this next change I can adapt to it.

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Eve does not have any drilling ships.

Even if they kill the orca mining bonuses im sure we can adapt. Almost all orca is currently botters which is not good so maybe this will add more teamplay options with a booster and miners making more isk. Booster gets a cut like it used to be years ago before afk botter changes to orca.

I just want to say that phrase over and over and over again. Tactical Mining Barge. I just feel myself losing massive amounts of ISK just saying that.

I doubt they will remove drone mining completely from the Orca/Porpoise. They have to know on some level how many people would rage quit from such a severe nerf.

I’m more expecting them to nerf the drone yield bonuses for ore and reductions for ice. I would also bet they break up the massive ore hold in ore only, gas only, ice only holds that can do compression. Maybe also reduce the cargo and fleet hangar so people are less inclined to use them as haulers over DST’s.

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At this point, where we are now, I do believe these changes will make or break the game! I hope they dont screw this one up!

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Hi @razadax, i see your character bazaar thread.

As far i am see, industry now have problems, porpoise changing prices from 92 to 80 in less than two weeks, plex are a high price and many things are with strong competence because all people want do t1, not t2 industry. The problem is the benefits of t2 industry are dubious; in the pre industry changes i made a freighter each three weeks, now i am not doing industry, not for the prices but for the sum of taxes industry et al.

The orcas i see now in highsec are of lone miners, but really as others say cant be afk, you need moe the orca to the asteroid, and sometimes can use in five asteroids at short distance.

Myself sold my orcas pilots last weeks (three pilots), i am using them as boosters in diferent regions and moive my miners in travel atrons to the mining barges, holding a booster in eachregion of the three i aminterested, but , we have many problems.

1 ) no really industry for high output mining, your options are selling to null blocks
2 ) taxes and taxes
3 ) minery are not sustentable now. Basically with the plex prices is not reasonable in high sec pay yourself in ore, ice is the way to go but related not directly with T1 industry.
4 ) moons are a mess. Doing an experiment in the horde moons i see very few vs the number available three months ago, and only the ones with jackpot and zircon are normally full mined.

Really i dont have idea what go to happen. I have two remaining orca boosters, and plan to do some lvl4 missions of mining.

And , as example of the problems, i am seriously thinking in biomass myself, a 5m alpha, ecause the plex i can purchase with myself involves much hassle. Is bettr tow pay two months subnscrription, biomass myself and dont worry about plex prices or mining.

By the way the high price of plex sounds as someone they hae more demand than offer, meaning no much guys purchasing plexes with cash, then less offer. I have stashed around 150 months of plex, and 50b in cash and really nothing to do with it as industry, and the taxes tell me no play the market and hold, for now.

Why, when ore holds already can hold ice and gas?

So they can “specialize” ships so us players don’t have to think (or choose) what we use.

That’s ■■■■ ing stupid.

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Welcome to Eve

Too many miners are choosing tanky ships like the Orca or Skiff, it makes it hard for a ganker to earn a living. So CCP needs to make it so that all ore miners must use the wet paper bag Hulk. Its a balanced ecosystem.

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What it all ultimately comes down to is CHOICE, and I think this is what a lot of you overzealous mining haters don’t seem to understand. People play this game because there is at least one activity that they enjoy doing. For some that is mining and industry, building and collecting, and producing something that other people can use. For others, that’s large NS fleet battles, with capital ships and complex strategy and logistics. Some enjoy hunting in LS in black ops ships and/or small fast paced engagements. If you nerf ANY one of those activities you will lose players, period.

When I first started playing this game I was all about the first, then once I started understanding more about the game and making isk, I moved on to the second activity. I never liked, and still do NOT enjoy small PvP because to be honest, I suck at it, and I freely admit that.

Currently, the majority of my time spent playing is mining in NS on my corp owned moons. I use an orca when I’m solo, and a rorqual when I’m in a large group. And I boost for 4 other toons that I multi-box in covetors or hulks. Along with 1-2 other members of my corp, I make cerbs and other T2 ships used in large fleet battles, and then of course I take a few of those for myself and go pew pew with fleets with the alliance. My activities support the playstyles of hundreds of other people, and THAT it what I find enjoyable.

Yes I mine a LOT of ore, I also build my own orcas, as well as my rorquals, 100% by myself, from scratch mining every single m3 of ore by myself. However it took me 2+ years, and a hell of a lot of work to get to this point. I am absolutely entitled to reap the rewards of my time and financial investment, otherwise what is the point of this game? If you take away my ability to do these activities, or nerf them to prevent me from doing what I want to do without having to involve 20 other people, I will unsub some accounts that I used to do certain things, hell I might unsub them all. Because I CHOOSE to mine to make my ISK to support the other activities I enjoy. Who are any of you to judge me for that or suggest that I should not be able to do what I choose to do in a game?

As for Orca mining in HS… who the hell cares? HS mining is the least financially rewarding activity in the game compared to what you can do elsewhere, I can drone mine in a HS belt for 8 hours while I’m working and walk away with 80mil worth of ore at best. Moon mining in .5 space is more profitable, sure, but it also requires 10x the investment just to get started. Why shouldn’t somebody be able to reap the reward of that? If I want to get stoned off my ass and put in the least amount of effort to mine in HS while watching Game of Thrones, who are you to judge? Why truly do you feel like you need to nerf the ability for orcas to mine with drones? I can mine in a Covetor for much more yield and 1/10th the price, with a lot of warping back and forth, or perhaps haul it back and forth with a DST. I mean, there are 100 ways to skin a cat. Why is it that the most expensive, but one of the lesser financially rewarding activities needs to be nerfed? As for bots, they are and always will be part of this game, you can make the game miserable for everyone and still people I’ll figure out how to automate crap. It’s not like orca miners in HS are completely breaking the balance of the game. We’ve definitely got bigger problems. Do you think its HS orca miners funding the RMT ISK selling operations? Yea I don’t think so.


The origin of this is with CCP. Players have been commenting on it, because it’s an idea that CCP have also shown support for. Naturally, it’s pretty controversial (I think the Orca is fine as is, but can understand why others don’t):


Thankfully, CCP’s idea of “soon” has always been - maybe in the next decade, maybe never.

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Yea I mean, I get it. Although, more so with the Rorquals than the Orcas, and that has everything to do with the excavs with indy cores. A orca mining with 5 augmented drones, pulling in maybe equivalent to an un-boosted covetor is really not that bad. Not at all game breaking at least. But if they cant give me something at least relatively low attention to do in HS when I’m working and/or too stoned to pay attention to the FC, then that’s kinda crappy. I would definitely play less during the day, and probably unsub at least one toon. Now, if they nerfed the orca to make it more of a boosting platform and boosted the drone mining of a porpoise I’d gladly use that instead, it requires a little bit more attention.

In any case it’s not about what any body else thinks, it’s about giving people choices of things to do that are commensurately rewarding given the time, effort and risk involved. Whether or not somebody else feels that activity is boring is irrelevant.


In Highsec, a fleet consiting of one Porpoise and 5 Ventures that are crabbing on R4 will generate more isk/hour then 6 Orcas each crabbing on Veldspar. An Athenor, it’s Core, it’s drill, some fuel fuel … and the porp + ventures are less expensive then one single Orca.

The Porp + Frigates thing is also harder to clap, as the whole fleet just warps off grid in less then 6 seconds. The Porp is the slowest, but it can be tuned to buzz off in 4 secs, while everyone’s favorite suicide thrasher / coercer / cormorant fit has poor sensor strength and will still be in warp at the time the mining fleet command issues the fleet warp order.

You don’t gank miners to earn a living. Not directly at least. You make them not earn theirs, or force them to replace modules they lost when they got ganked by those that you are selling on the market, stuff like that.

Want to make income with afk Orca bullying? Buy an Osprey Navy Issue (Scythe Fleet / Vagabond / … ), put an oversized MWD on it, as well as whatever’s needed to keep the MWD running (cap batteries and stuff). Then, accelerate the Osprey to full speed, and crash it into the afk-mining orca. That will send the orca dozens of kilometers off the belt. Once your ship’s trajectory is back under control, which it will be in less time then the orca’s, … bump the orca again! And again! And again! Push it off the asteroid belt. The slow moving mining drones will take forever to reach the now-distant orca, but if you push the orca hard enough, it’ll actually be moving faster then it’s drones, so the distance between the orca and it’s drones just keeps increasing. Once you have pushed the orca far enough to have more then 500km distance between the orca and it’s drones, it’ll lose control over them, and you can scoop the now-abandoned drones. Augmented Mining Drones are 20M isk a piece, so you can make 100M isk in a few minutes by bumping an Orca


All the claims of “afk mining” and similar reasons being the reason Orca’s need a nerf are just red herrings.

The real reason is the difficulty gankers have killing them, and we all know CCP will cater to the ganker’s wishes over miners and haulers every single time.