If you don’t give a ■■■■, walk away, stay away from this toxic BS. Why let me, the filthy farmer, ruin your beautiful day?
Really? And here I thought it was bot runners that caused this issue - are you having reading issues as well, apart from obvious shitflame diarrhea? I’m not sure why I’m surprised, it’s been proven time and again that uncontrolled hate issues come in pair with lack of education and severe intelligence deficit.
Just block the usual suspects and you’ll never see their toxic crap. I did.
Thank you friend, I will be more than happy to heed your advice!
yes, 4 months later.
Sadly true; these forums only allow a 4 month (renewable) block instead of a permanent block feature but at least you can have 4 months of peace from the trolls before you have to re-add them to your block list.
Trolls are part of internet, at least give them some space so they can seek attention, they’re already poor enough.
I don’t mind trolls. I do mind toxic behavior, insults, abusive generalization, stupidity spreading (which, they do a lot).
The forums are supposed to be a space for discussion, not for people to throw ■■■■ on the people trying to discuss.
I think we’ve reached the end somehow, everyone here have said what they want, wait until new poster show up, or until this post sink to nowhere lol
I blocked everyone I don’t like or who disagrees and now everyone agrees with me.
I’m finally right!
The only grievance I can think of that I’ve seen that I’d consider legitimate is the downtime between conduits giving some people less to do.
Typically I would probably deal with this by doing something else while I wait for a new conduit. With friends, I might kill time on another anomaly in system, or hop systems to find another conduit sooner.
Supposing I am willing to entertain the idea that people really are having a blast chaining off ECs, I could think of one or two alternative approaches to curb their value, but I don’t think they’d be popular because I think value is what this debate is really about.
One approach I can think of is to change from a delay between site completion to site generation to a delay between site generation and new site generation. Decide how long the target audience should take to fully complete a site. Use 10 minutes as an example. If a site spawns and it takes more than 10 minutes to complete, the next one appears right away. If someone finishes it in 5 minutes, they must wait another 5 minutes before the next appears.
Another approach is to put them in deadspace and control their access with gates. Triglavians don’t use battleships in ECs so perhaps they have some field or device that excludes them from the battlefield.
Decreasing the amount of loot and isk earned per site would make them able to spawn more often, too, again assuming the idea is to engage people with the content continuously rather than make it an attractive faming option.
I like the ECs, even in their current state. They are still accessible to me, they still pay well, and they’re still the same level of difficulty. They pique my interest in the invasions, and set the bar low enough for me to introduce lower skilled players to that type of PvE. They are a good opportunity for a ‘training wheels’ fleet with low stakes where we learn to work together.
I see a lot of potential in the sites outside of the rewards. As long as they pay out rewards sufficient to motivate the inexperienced to join up to take them on, I will continue to appreciate them. Resource Wars (from what I have heard, I may be mistaken so don’t quote me on this) failed in this at least partly because the rewards were isk negative, but the ECs are a big positive and I can use that as leverage to get someone to try it.
I don’t like giving new players isk. I like to help them earn some. I think people appreciate it more that way. I also think you make a bigger impression if you get personally involved, and being in a fleet of any size is sort of awe inspiring to the truly uninitiated. ECs are great ways to do all this, and that’s why I don’t consider them broken. I can’t do them as rapidly, but they’re still good for me to solo on occasion and fun to drag a small group to for a little while. They are not the focus of my eve life, though. Just another option that I either take or leave depending on my mood, situation, and what I want at that moment.
As long as it makes as little isk as it does now, rebalance it how you want.
Such bad luck for you.
I believe the ECs were designed to be the entry before newbros move to something better, like minor/major conduits. EC were sort of practice ground for them to train themselves. The EC right now still fit this role perfectly as the difficulty remains the same.
The problem is, there’s a certain gap between emerging and minor conduits, and that gap isn’t really small. To run a minor you either need 2 logi(not any logi, probably T2s or nestor) + 1 DPS(not those chunky praxis, vindi or other pirate battleships), or 1 marauder. I don’t think these ships will just spawn out of nowhere in your hangar, and conventional means(mining, missions, hauling) takes literally decades for you to save for them, that’s based on you don’t consume any injector and wait patiently until everything is trained. When EC was introduced it seems we finally find some way to bridge such gap, yet the bots and multiboxers ruined it.
It is why I’m starting this thread, to keep the content as it was while adding more risk factor.
Back to what you said. Sure the timer from spawns to spawns are a good idea, that way the completion speed is limited to 6 sites at most per hour, which will impact those smartbombers the most, no more 20+ conduits per hour and 400M+ income.
About the 2nd approach, the reason trigs don’t use battleships is probably because that conduit is too small to get a battleship through. This doesn’t really make sense, if they can keep us away, they should do it the whole time until the conduits are big enough for full scale invasion.
really ?
This I agree with. Revert the changes to the isk they can generate and make them a cosmic signature that’s as common as a ded 3/10
So basically your idea is to take the content that is supposed to be an intro to Triglavians for newer and weaker characters, and make it so they can’t afford to run/risk that content (by making it rarer, in tougher systems, increasing their exposure to PvP), just so you can continue to farm fast EC in high sec?
Is that your picture beside “entitlement” in the dictionary?
How about, we think of what would be a decent reward level for the people the actual content is aimed at, and we make it accessible and doable for those people, to run on a reasonable schedule?
Oh wait, CCP just did that. Too late!
Right now it’s not even close to “decent reward level”, not even for newbies. And of course I post this for myself too, I never tried to hide that.
Regarding the risk, limiting the spawns and increase PVP exposure is for limiting bots, any player that is wary enough to keep an eye on local and stay aligned can evade suicide ganking easily. For “tougher systems”, if you’re referring to the roaming fleets, I think they’re not that much of threat if you use travel fits or get yourself some warp stabs.
All the “risk” I added is manageable if you actually “play” the game instead of afking with rattlesnakes/praxis. The difficulty of EC itself are always the same, there’s no such thing as “can’t afford to run”, if the newbros can afford that before the nerf, they still afford it right now.
I’m curious, what is a “decent reward level” for a new player? Like for content that has essentially no risk from the other players, and can be done solo?
50M ISK/h? 100?
I’m not sure what the expectation is of these “new players”. What would you say is fair and/or would make them happy?
An income level which the newbies are able to purchase plex with isk alone, without sacrificing 50 hours a week grinding for it. Assume you have 1-2 hours a day, in a month you have, let’s say 45 hours. 500 plex cost roughly 1,750 mil as we talk, so a “decent reward level” lies somewhere around 40 mil per hour.
Let me do some math here.
Right now the sites spawn at least 10 min after you clear it, assume a newbie takes 12 minutes(with a shield praxis) to finish the EC, based on current mechanics the newbie can run 3 ECs at most in an hour. I ran some EC to day, the loot is close to zero right now so we’ll ignore it. Consider bounty alone this newbie earn 4.5*3=13.5 mil an hour.
It is why I say it’s far from decent reward level.