negative, by pulling them away with the intention of delaying that would very much be an exploit; anything that delays concord is considered an exploit i believe…
i mean that is what you mean by ‘pulling concord’ right?
No, it isn’t. It’s legitimate gameplay. It’s what they do in reverse, but it may not work as expected. Or it may work the first time you do it if they don’t expect that, but they may easily adapt and counter it.
This is a long debated point, but not what CCP mean by delaying CONCORD.
CONCORD is programmed to have different response times, based on the system security and whether it is already spawned in a system.
Any response that is part of the normal expectation range is not a delay.
That includes pulling CONCORD to somewhere else in the system after a gank, to reset for the next gank.
The response in that case will be a longer time for CONCORD to get on grid than if they were not present in system, but that is the normal, programmed expectation in the mechanics. CONCORD is already in system, so the response for that situation is normal, even though it is different than if they weren’t in system at all. Different situation, different mechanic and different set of normal conditions.
Dropping dozens of now empty ships on grid prior to a gank would be an exploit though. In this case, CONCORD responds and then randomly starts shooting at the ships (which you’ve previously sat in, so CONCORD sees them as belonging to the ganker and can’t tell which one the actual ganker is in).
In that case, this is considered a delay, because even though CONCORD has responded normally, the ganker gets to survive longer and shoot for longer before dying - hence exploit.
Pulling CONCORD is fine. Delaying them is not fine.
How they can counter reducing the shoot time window from 18 sec to 2-3 seconds, except switching from high dps ships to alpha ships?
Using alpha ships/fits is the only way and is far more expensive way to gank as it requires more ships. Like using 3 tornado in place of 3 catalysts or one talos.
Or they can try to play a complicated spawning/de-spawning game before every gank attempt
That is not how it works. They spawn new CONCORD for the criminal ships but they don’t take into account an arbitrary time for moving to another part of the system. So the impact is 2 to 3 seconds. This can be enough to save someone so worth doing.
No, you misunderstood. They may counter it by pulling CONCORD again themselves (maybe aborting the gank if ships are already on their way to the target), not by dealing with the shorter CONCORD reponse.
Note that they may do this as many times as they want with disposable alts at a station even while they’re still FR, whereas if you want to do it at the ship location you can only do it once every 15 mins because you won’t be able to warp to the ship again while you’re FR…
Or they may come up with something better that I cannot think of atm. What I do know is if you do this and they don’t expect it, it may work, but if you keep doing it, they will eventually adapt like they always do and it won’t work anymore.
Just to clarify slightly, one interpretation of what you wrote before, about having a “depot situated in an ideal spot solved the issue by itself”, could be that you are implying that a Bowhead or Orca (ie. ship with ship maintenance bay) located in system allows the ganker to use the same criminal timer from a gank, to pull CONCORD. That can’t work.
To eliminate hyperdunking, the mechanics were changed a couple of years ago to prevent boarding a ship in space with a criminal timer.
So the ganker then still needs to wait out their criminal timer, board a ship, commit a new criminal act to pull CONCORD, then wait out the timer, then gank again. At least 30 minutes between ganks in that case if there’s no station in system.
So having a depot ideally situated in system doesn’t really help much and isn’t much of an advantage over just picking up a rookie ship from a station and then coming back to the system to pull CONCORD.
Now however, if a Citadel is in system, even without a station, the time between ganks is potentially halved. Commit gank, dock, reship, undock and pull CONCORD all in the one 15 minute timer.
Did you or did you not reply to someone on the subject of ganks in hisec by comparing it to ganks in lowsec and made a comment about CONCORD not being there (in lowsec) to put a time limit on it? Yes or No?
So I can use your example in reverse in terms of the protection that CONCORD gives a bumper even though hisec is supposed to be a more protected part of the game.
Desperate people tend to accuse others of losing their minds and link to Pyscho babble when in a debate. As certain people keep doing this even I who is a great supporter of open and free debate without censorship have decided that the continuous attacks like this need to be flagged. If you cannot discuss things without such inappropriate content then don’t bother.
Oh god no…there is no point to that. I was simply stating that I personally roamed about 23 systems in a region and had stored ships/ammo in key places so than while you are twiddling your thumbs waiting for the timer to spin down, you could prep the gankers AND the pullers easily. I think I used about 5 stations in key spots…