Red DOT opt out - WHEN?

Come on CCP, stop taking the ■■■■■■■ piss…

Another Patch gone by and still no opt out.

I really can’t see this being much of an issue - did you goddamn geniuses integrate this idiotic feature into the POS code and now you can’t remove it without breaking the game or WHY THE ■■■■ DO I STILL HAVE TO SEE THIS ■■■■!?

SOMEONE get your ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ together and write 3 lines of code so i can deactivate this ■■■■ why the ■■■■ do we have to beg for months and months and this still is not done!?

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Will Triglavian quislings get red triangles?


Call me odd, but I don’t mind it.

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Fayte is Odd… :slight_smile: da-dum :drum:

I like the red dot. At least, the idea of it.

I recently did the tutorial and career agents again on a new character and the amount of items you get from those missions is high, especially if you don’t sort your station hangar. When a mission puts another random item in the middle of that stuff that you need to put into your cargo and deliver somewhere, that red dot is absolutely fantastic.

That aside, please make it optional as I have no use for it on my main character. Also, it looks completely out of place in the otherwise sleek looking two toned UI.


Red dots now ate my sounds too

We need a red dot appreciation thread

@Zoiie Your suggestion is slightly underwhelming. You should at the very least ask for a :red_circle:Red Dot Appreciation Day :red_circle:, with new fireworks for the occasion, filling space with happy red dots. A perfect assignment for a young and budding designer. Yep, definitely move to Player ideas and features.

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a huge red nose skin for every ship

New for the login campaign, the permanent (not 7 day …) SpreadTheLove RedPolkaDot Ship SKIN, one skin fits all hulls ? I love brainstorming.

Instead of red dots, the game should warn us more about cookies and game regulations with more dialog popups (also placed in far corners of the screen randomly so you have to find them and you can’t do anything in game until you ackowledge them) like a mini wack-a-mole game and maybe pop up that video from the station screens in space everytime we warp. Would bring the internet browsing experience into the game.

Should help get our attention off the red dots.

Bring back the BLINK tag into chat, it’s less painful.

Well done on reversing the dumb jump animation - now how about that bloody opt out for the red dot?

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When you log out the red dot goes away

:sob: they… they haunt me… everywhere, red dots EVERYWHERE :exploding_head: :woozy_face: :face_with_thermometer:

Hey @CCP_Convict why are all the CCPers sticking their collective heads in dark and, one assumes, warm orifices, rather than engaging with it’s customers - after making such a moronic UI change?

Meanwhile, the evolution, ‘ban the dot’:



The worst is when I buy things, and I get red dots in my hangar. Then I move the things into my ship’s cargo hold, undock, and I get red dots again in the ship’s cargo hold.

@ISD_Lord_Arranoth has made this new thread to consolidate player opinion about how to change the :red_circle: feature.

(ISD: merge threads?)

One has to wonder why they have not been merged…

Or why it has taken months to create an ‘official’ thread…

(and not direct anyone to it…)