They ask you to put it in a specific format using certain words so that they can sift ideas out of the general chatter and even search by key words.
ISD have also said that they will point out ideas they think might interest the devs whilst they are on the forums.
If that is how you inferred my post it can only be because of how you feel. If this isn’t classic projection I don’t know what is.
I can see when an idea has obvious flaws, such as this one. And it is the whole purpose of these forums for players to discuss ideas. That includes pointing out the obvious flaws.
Allow me to elaborate:
If i have an idea that a Thorax get a re-skin model of a vibrator and get enough of my alts to vote for it, and then my friends and their alts to vote for it and then link the idea on reddit for lols because someone once had the idea that CCP must respond to an idea that ranks high enough…you think CCP should discuss it?
Does Boaty McBoat Face ring a bell to you? What about the bandwagon fallacy?
It’s a bad idea, ripe for abuse.
If you don’t think people will be so dishonest as to make dozens of alts to promote themselves or their agenda then you need to see this:
The current method works for the most part. Anyone, literally anyone, can post an idea and it is discussed and picked apart by, again, literally anyone. Players don’t have to upvote or downvote, they can discuss both the merits and demerits of an idea both at once. People can upvote their friends idea but really it means nothing (as it should). Trolls and bad rebuttals can be ignored as such by anyone who recognises them. Any idea that survives a decent thrashing on the forums does so purely out of discussion in a sort of natural selection by survival of the fittest.
And THEN CCP may take notice and bring the idea to an internal discussion.