Remember the "dedicated balance team" ccp promised last summer? CSM member reveals ccp ***canned it

Just curious, where does that graph say “Null Sec”? I see that they have categories such as professional, entrepreneur, etc. but I don’t see how it relates to NS. Is there a youtube video that goes with that?

I know, You dont even know how to search google for that thing. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Hrmm. And here I was thinking that you had to have multiple accounts to have multiple characters!

Great job on figurng out that CCP removed all those old trial accounts of people who played for a couple weeks then quit. I mean, if they didnt I might not be a minority!

#minoritiesRbest! #35%er

You dummy, alts are alts if they are spread on different accounts or one.

Good luck with talking to CCP and hashtags, maybe you will get more recognition than those who said they dont want the chat bubble. :smirk:


But…But… you said I was a minority because I had alts. You posted stuff about accounts not alts. If alts are not equivalent to accounts then how did you noodle out that most people had a single character? You must be a WIZARD!

Oh, this thread hasnt been a serious thread talking to CCP about balance since it became about PVE (if it ever was a srs thread) :rofl:

You have so many alts that you have to get accounts, see, I am wizard. :sunglasses:

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LOL nice editing on your posts. Too bad I already quoted you before you snuck it in.

Don’t waste your time corresponding with him.

I meant it, why else I would include accounts? :thinking:

Ok, I am not a wizard, only a Devilotte.

For the same reason you make batshit crazy inferences from fanfest infographics? Because you are so awesome at statistical inference and deduction? :woman_shrugging:

You see things that are not there, maybe you need glasses?

Sure, that’s fine for that specific information ‘where did people live 6 or 7 years ago?’

That doesn’t mean ‘we see what they see’. We don’t.

I wouldnt be surprised if they would stop posting any graphs. Why even care about people who cant see any value in that? :thinking:

Well, that’s a nice little job of trying to put words in my mouth, isn’t it?

Graphs show what they show. They do not show all of the data. They show the data in a filtered state. Attempting to claim they show you anything but that filter, at that point in time automatically introduces errors into your assumption.

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So where do you see value?

There are those who believe CCP is trying to force people into Null and there are some who say CCP is trying to force people into High Sec Mining.

And there are those who say that life here… began out there… with tribes of humans… and some say there are still brothers of man fighting for survival amongst the stars in quest to find a shining planet… called Earth.


I see value in accepting that the data they’re presenting is accurate and means the things they’re saying it means at the time it is presented. You can’t make assumptions past that, though.

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People know that you rat in null if you want to get ISK in heaps, just like ore. Monthly reports show it well. I dont think CCP have to force anyone. Look at that player who botted with his carriers. There is no better advertisement for null than those recent reports and what people see in game.

Then its 6000 people in one system, so CCP can use that for promotional video, no mention of the ugly stuff of course. And that is how nullseccers are played by CCP.

None of which addresses the fact that you just tried to use a 6 year old chart to establish current player proportions. You know:

That one.

At the time represented (Q1 2012) the largest alliance in the game (the largest kind of player group directly supported by mechanics), TEST, had roughly 12,000 characters. Peak Concurrent Users in the time covered by the graph exceeded 60,000 at least once, and 50,000 wasn’t uncommon.

Today, the largest alliance in the game has just over 36,000 characters—3x the size TEST was then. The highest PCU count we’ve seen in the last 2 months comes in at 39,000 - 2/3 of the high-water mark for the period covered in the chart.

Fewer people online, the groups in null are bigger. Does that mean that more people have moved out to null?

No. It doesn’t. It means the groups are bigger, and fewer people are online at any given moment. You know what comparison you can draw between the two sets of data on their own?


That’s the point. Looking at old charts and saying ‘this tells us anything about now’ is simply wrong. It doesn’t. It tells us what conditions were, but conditions change. We can no more make the assumption that the population distribution has remained static than we can make the assumption that it has radically changed. THAT is my point when I say

Then you accused me not seeing any value in their charts. That’s pretty cheap, and it’s not what was said. I’m being generous here, and deciding to believe that you simply misunderstood my point, rather than think you chose to intentionally lie and misrepresent my position. However, you apparently continue to not understand, because your response has absolutely nothing to do with the value of data in their charts or the use of their charts to make inferences about information the charts do not, and could not, express. So I have clarified yet again.

By the way?

Ratting in null doesn’t make you ‘heaps’ of ISK unless you’re multiboxing capital ratters. Mining money in null outstrips it significantly. It’s just harder to AFK because rocks don’t trigger aggressive drone behavior.

As for nullseccers getting ‘played’ by CCP… nullseccers know exactly what we’re getting into when it comes to ‘hey, look, we’re pushing the Local count into 4 digits’. We expected TiDi. We always expect TiDi. Hell, we (Goonswarm) TiDi ourselves on a regular basis just by moving a single fleet. Anyone who thinks we got ‘played’ in 9-4RP2 wasn’t thinking it through.

This graph was just an example of a filter, not a statement that its current situation. There is this date there so I think it was obvious. I never stated that numbers are the same today as that year.

As for being played by CCP, they have a rather big bunch of dislikes under the promo video. I would say people dont accept such a blatant CCP propaganda, obviously directed to the wider audience. As someone who experienced a 10% TiDi, I know how it feels, and when you are disappointed because what you got there for is not happening.