Remove capital ships from the game

I just went and looked at who you were talking about.

I’ve gotta commend skill urself; they throw their supercaps around. Granted they’ve got a huge amount of support they can bring to the table if it’s needed, but where most other groups hold their caps, these guys love to swing their dicks. Not just in massive home defense fleets, but offensively. We don’t see that nearly enough, and I truly hope to see the meta shift toward everyone doing that.

We’ve had dealings with their Revenants in the recent past too. ALMOST had enough people log on to make a good fight of it the last time… which would have been sexy as ■■■■. My home defense carrier has 3 wings of DPS fighters, and then it’s stuffed to the gills with SS fighters. With critical mass, those revens would be completely and utterly ■■■■■■.

Sadly… we did not have critical mass.

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better remove all nullified ship. ceptors, …

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skill urself are just all backstabber Tri alts.

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