Oh sorry I missed that. My bad. Yes, you’re allowed to have an opinion that doesn’t make any sense, is not sustainable or profitable.
But please keep it for yourself. No need to share ridiculous ideas, or it may get ridiculed.
Oh sorry I missed that. My bad. Yes, you’re allowed to have an opinion that doesn’t make any sense, is not sustainable or profitable.
But please keep it for yourself. No need to share ridiculous ideas, or it may get ridiculed.
Ridicule is the least of my concerns these days
Well, thank you, Moderator o/
You are free to post…and you keep affirming that. Kinda defeated your own argument there.
Honnestly if you needed our comments to realise that this is not the game you are searching for, that explains a lot about the kind of objectively entitled whiner you, absolutely, are. Because you didn’t take even ten minutes of your time to check what the game was about before starting the adventure, and then you cry that’s it doesn’t correspond to what you wanted it to be.
EvE is not a game for you, just like I found Mount&Blade that you used as an example to be boring as hell.
The difference between you and me is that I don’t go around on the internet crying about it, I’m just an adult capable of taking the decision to play something else without bothering every person who love this game as it is.
I think I should only have to pay for power once - when they first connect it to my house. I think it is worth $100. I might be willing to pay $150 ONCE.
So they introduced Alpha clones as a publicity stunt, a lure to attract new players making them think they could play the game while in fact we’re only playing a dumb-down demo version where all we can do is try and try to play normally while painting huge targets on our back for the Omega clones.
That’s a weasly move on their part, low. EVE must be dying a slow excruciating death if they have to resort to those kinds of tactics just to attract players for a few months at a time.
How shameful
They probably call that a “business model” to camouflage how ugly it is. The whole thing stinks to high heaven, not unlike those multinationals who’ve spent decades destroying our planet with the governments of the world cheering them on.
Perfect example of the poster with no clue who hasn’t taken the time to read the relevant posts before rushing to judgement and indulging himself in bashing a poster who was merely stating an opinion that has no consequence whatsoever.
If this thread is any indication, this whole forum is about 60% trolls and 40% of posters who try to make this place what it was supposed to be to start with: civil conversations about EVE.
Almost every thread I jump into I see the same kind of juvenile careless attitude: bullying, shaming, veiled insults and mindless projection.
May I remind everyone that this is the forum for the game, not the game itself. There is no PvP in this forum and shutting down a poster will not get you marks on a killboard
I took the time to read the post I quoted and answered.
If I am supposed to read several other posts in order to understand it, that’s probably because the post wasn’t very clear in the first place, which I’m not responsible for.
Sorry if I don’t want to read the next 170 posts that may have nothing to do with your original one just to make sure I can finally answer you…
The whole internet tbh.
So what part was supposed to end-up in a civilised conversation?
The one where you complain about the prices for reasons that don’t really make any sense, the one where you repeatidly say “This is just an opinion I know it doesn’t matter!” which is literally inviting everyone to notify you that they indeed don’t care?
Or maybe when you make a complete speech about how it’s literally impossible to play and make money as a New player, while there is tons of informations, including videos, explaining you how it is possible?
I’m new myself (a bit less now but still, seven months in), and just by actualling puting minimal efforts I did manage to progress.
Your post was mostly a big rant with very few factual back-up, mixed with unjustified cries . What kind of civil conversation" do you expect?
I’m not sure resorting to words like “bullying” for the mere fact of giving an answer a bit too direct/aggressive for your tastes is fair. I’m sorry, but you just proved me right, by acting like a kid who believe he can write a bunch of BS and only receive super kind answers and a pat on the back of his head, and that anybody who point out the BS is “bullying” him.
Don’t bother. You’re nothing but a troll and an opportunist who jumps into threads just to bash on posters who are already being bashed by others. That’s real courageous of you…
The funny thing is that you still expect me to read your posts
Well it’s still less funny than you just proving me right even more with every post and digging your own grave. No, the classic kiddo attitude of “Hahaha I don’t read” is not helping you. I look forward for when you’ll still be here in 50 more posts crying about how everybody in the thread is just bullying you with posts that you “don’t read” but yet quote and answer to.
It shows how slow you are, thinking I have to read a whole post just to reply to you.
Typical Troll.
Yep. When money talks, BS walks they say. That’s their “business model” they seem to be so proud of.
But I like to be an Alpha clone. I don’t get involved in the game so much that I want to buy Omega. I mainly log in, do what I can do for a couple of hours and log out.
The game is beautiful but that’s about as much as I can say. It’s a pity they chose such a beautiful game to con new players into logging in and making them think they’re playing the real thing while they’re only actually playing a demo version but that’s the beast we’re up against all over the world: Fake News and Hypocrisy being a couple among other more violent expressions of the lowest, darker side of the human being.
Isn’t it kinda obvious when you are faced with a situation where you know that there is both a free and a non-free version?
The existence of Omega and Alpha and their differences are fairly easy to find, even on the game launcher.
Oh you don’t.
However to answer the rest of the post in what you wrote as an answer, you do have to read it, if only to actually know what I said before answering to it. Quoting only the first sentence is not enough to make anybody with a brain believe that you really didn’t read.
That’s a nice try, but the fact that you did read and got dunked is clear for everybody kiddo.
Just like how World of Warcraft let’s you play for free, but only to level 20 or whatever it is. It’s a demo. It’s a showcase for the paid game. That’s exactly the objective, to show you what the game is about and give you an opportunity to try before you buy.
Alpha clones are intentionally disadvantaged. Yes. It’s deliberate. You can do an awful lot with an alpha clone; at a disadvantage in skills and access to hardware.
Alpha clones are 100% intended to incentivise conversion to omega clones.
No it’s standard practice for game demos since like the 80s. You get a small slice of what the game has to offer.
It is a business model. Like the dictionary definition of such. The rest of this comment is an utterly irrelevant false equivalence.
Having your opinion challenged is not being shut down. Opinions are not sacred or sacrosanct. Opinions are just that, opinions, and very often wrong.
I’ve been entirely civil. You’re the one who’s responded to being corrected with insults.
You seem to think you’re entitled to have an opinion and share it publicly without having it challenged. Opinions are not protected. You defend an opinion on the merits and basis of that opinion. You can’t defend a mistaken opinion purely on your entitlement to hold one.
You are entitled to have an opinion. Your opinion is wrong. You should change your opinion based on the knowledge being made available to you.
Instead you have simply doubled down on some mistaken belief that “I’m entitled to my opinion” equates to “you’re not allowed to challenge my opinion”.
Opinions are like . Everyone has one and they’re all full of
You’ve been given opportunities to improve your opinion and have chosen instead to defend .
Like yours, for example.
Yeah that was an excellent rebuttal with flawless supporting argument
They won’t do that. Suicide ganking helps their bottom line.
From what I understand, their “business model” depends on underhanded tactics to make you spend real money and if you won’t or can’t do that then, according to forum members, you have no right to have an opinion about it.
According to them, you either enjoy playing Alpha ( not much to do but, hey, it’s only a demo version ) or you GTFO of the game because if you’re not spending money on the game then you, and your opinions, really don’t matter.
All that was explained to me rather harshly and unceremoniously, just like in-game kills: take it and shut up
Gotta admire their boldness though. That’s SOME PIECE of WORK they did with that Alpha Clone idea and it seems to work, at least it will… for a time.
But seeing how the Omega players complain in here about their “business model” and the endless patches that rob them of months and years of planning and work, I’m not surprised that EVE community isn’t growing and when you factor in the reality that most EVE players have alts, I’d say their community has been shrinking for quite a while. No surprise there.
When their bottom-line eventually goes through the floor then maybe they will rethink their “business model” and probably come up with something worse like micro-transactions, daily Omega deals, new ships to be bought directly from Steam or their website.
After all, when money talks…
You haven’t walked yet.
How about being upfront and honest about it right in the Steam page by being transparent and stating that Alpha clones are merely tourists and that the REAL game is played on Omega account, eh? How about THAT for being frank and honest on what EVE is really all about ?
You understand incorrectly. The game mechanics of EVE predate PLEX or any RL microtransactions.
If you spend any time watching videos or reading interviews about the history of EVE you will gather that CCP wanted to make a no holds barred harsh PVP environment game since the very beginning. In fact they have softened up quite a bit over the years, adding many tools to safeguard players from their own ignorance.