Remove suicide ganking from high sec

Your intelligence astounds me.

Why would smart miners want a bunch of incompetent people like you flooding the market with excess minerals and driving down prices?


Thanks, now I want hot pockets.

And you are the one talking about intelligence… The reality tells me you are a 9 years old clueless vet.


It is funny.

Don’t mine alone, then.

Can I have your stuff?


Okay, its time to reveal one of the greatest counters to hi sec ganking there is. It costs a little over a million ISK and if you stay alert at your keyboard, you basically cannot be ganked.

What is this awesome device?

Use another ship to set up two or three safes in the system. Go to the asteroid belt and save the location of a few rocks you want to shoot.

Now, go hop into your Higgs rig equipped mining barge. Warp to zero on a rock you want to shoot. Next, target and begin mining. Now, align towards one of your safes and stay at full speed. Because the Higgs rig makes your ship so slow, you should be able to mine down some asteroids before you get out of range if you have decent mining skills.

Since you’re already aligned and at full speed, as soon as you enter the warp command, you’ll go into warp. As soon as anything appears on grid, warp out to your safe.

Congratulations, you are damn near ungankable.


That does not work if he mines afk.


Oh, I know. But you know… I’m one of those people who believe you should actually play the game.


while mining it is rather watching the game :slight_smile:

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nah nah nah, it would only have miner economic impacts. If you want to go BIG, Xeux, you gotta go all the way to…

…Allow Rorquals in 100% safe Hi-sec

In all honesty, Xeux is absolutely correct. if hi-sec was 100% PvE, I’d AFK mine as well.

This game is an outlet for sociopatheic nerdds to feel better…thread closed with salt.


Found the kill mail if anyone was too lazy to look


Tend to agree, no idea what the newbie miners must be doing… they are ganking everything from frigates to freighters as far as I can see.

Well the very fact that you see them get kills “up to freightners” tend to prove that people do manage to get out of the newby zone, or they wouldn’t find any big ship to gank anywhere, right?

If those guys managed to do it, everybody can and anybody pretending that ganking stop his progression completelly is a liar. That’s about it.

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they’re not out to ruin the game.
They’re out to ruin YOUR game.
That’s THEIR game.
Beat them at it.
Don’t be a target.


Could not agree more. I don’t have any interest in pvp, so I learned how to dodge gate camps, stay aligned, and watch dscan. Hisec ganking is part of eve, and one that’s mostly avoidable. Don’t fly bling unnecessarily and don’t let your pve/ mining / hauling ship become a loot pinata.


This is an awesome idea, what does a 4 week old character who just got into a retriever for the first time do? Hell, what does he do if he’s jut in a mining frigate - they are ganking those too!

Please give us your great wisdom.

The four week old character should get a catalyst and gank some haulers/miners.


While you’re mining, stay aligned to a station(or anything you can warp to). Don’t use drones unless you’re ok with leaving them behind. As soon as someone shows up on grid, you’re already aligned to warp right out.

Fit your ship to either escape or to try to fight back. If you survive a gank long enough, concord will win the fight for you. Empty your ship out at a station before you have enough ore to make yourself a target.

This stuff isn’t foolproof, but it will help your odds.

It also cuts down on the mining itself.

New people to the game, just don’t have the patience for this. And I don’t really blame them.