Remove suicide ganking from high sec

The irony.

Quite the projection.

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Nobody buys my ■■■■ in Jita!
Add more Suicide Ganking in Hi Sec!
like that triglavians on the gate…

add more accidental deathes!!

Holy ■■■■ I’m glad I scrolled down! This made my day lol.

Nah. Working as intended. Fit a better tank and stop worrying about yield so much.


No, learn to not afk, fit a tank and mine smarter


Just a tip: use insta-warp BMs outside stations you visit often…avoids this whole issue

Not going to happen. Just get in proc/skiff and maintain situational awareness. Plus, watch local and d-scan. In addition, place known gankers on your contact list tagged red and blinking. Easy-peasy

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Calm down, miner.

miner here. OP your complain would have some weight if maybe, you would have been actually giving a fight or something, but getting ganked while flying a yield fitted Hulk with mining drones shows your true face in this matter. gankers only go for juicy and easy to kill targets because otherwise they dont have the balls to attack something that fights back (not profitable at all).

i have lost ventures with better tank than yours while actually trying and despite loosing the ship i still found a way around. your loss furtherly cements why your post has 0 validation and should be deleted ASAP. you can cry all you want but fitting for maximum profit means you have limitations and danger closeby, if you cant cope with that then you should consider your approach to the activity and refit, not QQ on the forums blaming the gankers for your own mistake.

perhaps you should consider flying a properly brick tanked Skiff instead with combat drones loaded? you are Omega so you should have no excuses, period.


Suicide ganking has always been part of Eve and always should be. However, A simple fix won’t rid ganking but surpress it a bit when insurance payouts are denied if you get blown up due to “insurance fraud” (e.g. violating Concord law).

Welcome back, Rip Van Winkle.

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I had that name. I forgot the accountname and password.


I don’t get the joke, btw.

Rip Van Winkle was a story about a guy that fell asleep for 20 years and woke up to a world he hardly recognized. Fargin was proposing a change that was implemented a long time ago. Therefore… funny. Ha ha.

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EVE is not for you … move along

(notices the necro too late)

A well fit ship…


Suicide ganking will always be possible, it’s part of EVE. But I agree with you that suicide ganking should be harder than it currently is.

As a start you could put some tank on your Exhumer. It only took them 7023 damage to kill your 268 Million ISK ship. :thinking:

Hulks are paper-thin. No amount of tank will save it if someone wants to gank you. Either fit for tank or fit for yield. If you try to fit for both, then you will fail at both…

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Perhaps they need to bring logistics and EWAR ships.

But if you don’t fit mid slots or rigs at all, such as in the killmail linked above, you fail at everything. Even if he’s going for max yield, he could speed up his mining with some faster align/warp speed rigs. And faster align rigs could’ve saved him if he were paying attention.

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  1. Don’t solo mine in a Hulk. It has high yield but piss all ore hold. You’ll waste so much time hauling.
  2. Hulk has no tank.
  3. Either of the other exhumers has better tank. Mackinaw has a big ore hold and will likely get you better m3ph solo mining.
  4. Set known ganker corps and alliances to negative standings.
  5. Watch local.
  6. Learn to DScan.

Ganking is super avoidable. Anyone can get caught out, but you can definitely set yourself up for success.