…that are only needed for completing the missions and which even the agents complain that are useless, and make it so that the game tracks the amount of ore we mine for those missions inside the mission rooms and nowhere else, just like it does it for the dailies for the AIR program and during the snow storms event AND add more of that ore per asteroid or more asteroids. So instead of mining 50 000 m3 Geodite in high sec for a lvl 4 agent, the players should mine any of the high sec ores and it would only count if they mine it in the mission’s room, so they can’t purchase it from the market or used ore that was mined before in order to complete the mission!
I’m asking for this change because recently I had a lvl 4 mining mission that requested close to 50 000 m3 of Geodite, since my ship’s ore hold was about 9k big, I had to make few trips and I used drones to speed up the process, unfortunately during one of the runs, the ore that the drones had collected when the ore hold was full, was DELETED by the game instead of returning it to the asteroid or dropping it on the spot as a cargo container so I can pick it up later and I ended up not being able to complete the mission as I was short of the ore, few days later that resulted in a 0.3 standing drop which at the level my standings were with Astral Mining it erased the standing increase acquired after completing 22 missions.
I also sent a bug report but I also wanted the players to know and be aware of this bug in case they decide to use drones for mining missions like I did.
It is not a waste, they already have what’s needed to fix that, it is used in the AIR program and the seasonal activities, AND in the recently discontinued activity tracker, the game can track the ore that is mined, I bet they have it in the epic arc missions where you have to mine ore, all they have to do is apply it to regular mining missions. Code reuse is a core principle in any computer programming language, so when you say “its a waste of their time” especially that it is a bug that needs fixing, you make them look like a bunch of lazy bums who dont care about the quality of product!
I used strip miners and it took a good half an hour, with t1 lasers it would have lasted much much longer, this advice of yours is the opposite of your concern with them wasting their time!
the only reason that was suggested, was simply because anything that causes residue ■■■■■■ up how much ore you actually got, because then you couldn’t mine what was required.
but at the same time i think they fixed it where it didn’t affect mission ores
You’re right. I haven’t memorised every bug in every game I play just to avoid having problems when I play them. That’s a genuinely ridiculous statement to make.
In that reddit thread a player with the name of FluorescentFlux, has reported the same thing I encountered, the ore that I was shorted with was an exact multiple of the amount of ore all the drones mined in one cycle, my guess by looking at the numbers was that their cycle ended after the ore hold was full, and the game didn’t take that into account, and this exact same thing is told
Yes it was fixed about half a year ago.
Note: You can STILL lose mission ore if the mining drones are destroyed before they reach your ship, or if your cargo is overloaded when they arrive.
If the drones are the problem that would have been easily solved by making the mission ore immune to drones so only lasers and strip miners can mine it! It can’t be easier than that to fix it! I get it that it is “low on their totem pole” but this has been like that for some 20 years!
If you make mission ore immune to drones people would complain their drones are broken.
If you want your mission ore to be immune to drones you can choose not to use drones.
I agree it’s an annoying bug and it appears it’s not fixed yet, but some bugs are notoriously hard to fix as they require a complete rewrite of how drones work.
I’m not saying that is the case here as I haven’t seen the code, but it could be too hard to be worth it for now as it’s only a very niche bug that only sometimes affects mission-running miners who use mining drones.
But will complain and be informed why they are broken. That’s a better outcome than the much more frustrating result of being unable to complete the mission.
Where does the game tell you explicitly or implicitly that you shouldn’t use mining drones on mission ores, please provide screenshots and/or videos.
Or just prevent drones being used on mission ores?
What an excellent point; so why not just prevent drones being used on mission ores?