Remove triglavians fleets from high sec or let us get easy way to get possitive standiog

Closing this as it was addressed and has devolved. Start a new thread if there is a different issue to be discussed.

This was addressed in

Triglavian Minor Victory Systems

  • Entropic Disintegrator Werposts and their deployment fleets will no longer consider players with 0 standing with The Triglavian Collective as hostile.
  • Weapon damage ramp-up time for Entropic Disintegrator Werposts has been lengthened.
  • Entropic Disintegrator Werposts now feature a bounty upon destruction
  • Reinforcement fleets for Entropic Disintegrator Werposts have been scaled back in difficulty.
  • The interval at which new Werposts will be deployed has been increased.
  • The Triglavian Collective will no longer deploy Entropic Disintegrator Werposts at Stargates, Stations and Upwell structures in Minor Victory systems.