Remove triglavians fleets from high sec or let us get easy way to get possitive standiog

Granted I started a long time ago and spent a little time in 0.0 with my first character (currently in stasis) but this is the way to go. Find a quiet section of low sec, which we have the tools to find, and slowly adventure out and scout and then start setting routes then roots. It takes time, patience, the loss of some small ships, and once set with clones spread around, even a solo player can have a fairly nice life of solitude with the occasional cat and mouse run ins. The fact is that with fewer people in space it is way easier to keep tabs on your space, so much less clutter. Hell! I feel way more anxiety when I fly back into highsec after a few months in solitude. While I do say the above I will also say that I am risk averse and unable to apply the time to being part of a larger organized group, so I have not built any form of advanced network. With the locals I came to know over time we set up an intel channel that held up for a bit until people moved on, but the emergent game play available if one is willing to move out of highsec is pretty amazing even though I have only scratched the bare surface.

Belts rats and exploration site spawns are determined by sec status are they not? Not that this has a whole lot of bearing to the conversation but your comment did make me wonder.

u just need to kill few drifter rats in pochven. thats it standing is positive. it cant be easier than that. time to move your asset from hs belts…

An isd is NOT a paid ‘ccp community manager’,it’s a normal player, a volunteer ccp just gives special abilities in chat.They often are members of the null sec blobs and more often have their own aganda running…:slight_smile:

And…VERY surprisingly null blob members are NOT against ganking and pvp…:slight_smile:

Stay at the truth…

Yes…going into gankers paradise pochven is the BEST idea ever for a pve player…

Isd have to be neutral.

Do you really believe that?

Well maybe we have found your real problem :slight_smile:

I dont think i ever said “paid”, i said “CCP community manager”, which they are. A lot of GMs, that ARE paid, were former players, CCP fozzie, CCP dolan etc, and yet have the “CCP” prefix before their names and are official, paid CCP employees.

So yes, absolutely, they are “Community managers”, because they are given by CCP the authority and responsibility of representing CCP and EVE online on their behalf.

All I was talking is the truth. You went in and inserted “Paid” in my sentence.

So…basicly you say that because it was said by a as you call it ‘community manager’ it has to be the absolute and undiniable,undoubtful truth and any doubt about it is what? Blasphemic?

In my eyes it’s doubtful BECAUSE so much of the stuff are ‘ex-players’ with obviously still active contacts into ‘the community’ or better ‘their ‘ex’? -’ Alliances’ that justifies ANY doubt…

ANY other apporach would be extremly naive…

And the sole fact that you hook on to the word ‘paid’ shows that you don’t want to discuss…it’s just about showing you are right…

It’s not a “ganker’s paradise.” You arrive in a random spot, and there’s delayed local. If you don’t chat, no one will even know you’re there unless they scan you down or you land on grid with someone. Also, Pochven is not heavily populated. During off-peak hours, you might be the only in system.

It is—if you want to be able to roam high sec without worrying about being insta-splatted in TMV systems. You can get the standings in under an hour, and with an investment of less than 5m ISK. I’ve done it on five different characters, it’s really not the big deal you’re making it out to be.

Prep work required:

  1. Take 10 mins and learn to use D-scan.
  2. Check your home station is set correct.
  3. Jump into an empty clone.
  4. Fit a T1 destroyer.
  5. Buy some cheap filaments. Three entry and three exit should do it. With luck, you’ll get a drone site in the first place you land. If not, you may have to yeet out and try again.

To get standings:

  1. Yeet into Pochven.
  2. Create two safe spots.
  3. Find a drone site in the probe scanner.
  4. D-scan to see if anyone’s already there.
  5. If not, warp in, pop a drone or two, and warp back to a safe spot.
  6. Spam D-scan 360/1au and watch for combat probes or other nearby ships. If anyone gets close, warp to your other safe spot.
  7. To make sure you’re done, wait 10 mins for your standings to update. Once you’re positive with Trigs - you’re good to go!

Now you can either yeet out with another filament (probably to low sec) and fly back home, or you can find a fight, get popped, and ride the Clone Vat Express to your home station. In either case, if you’re in an empty clone and cheap ass destroyer. Once you get your standings, who cares if you get popped? Go into it planning to die anyway, and just think of it as spending 5m ISK to get the standings.

Good luck. o7


As far as the current stance of CCP goes, yes.

No, but you would need to bring some evidence to disprove it.

I have brought evidence that demonstrates what I said was true.

Where is yours?

Im still active. Im not an ex-player.

Dont want to discuss… what?

Ive discussed everything with you.

What I dont like, is people who insert words into my mouth. Which you have done twice now.

For someone who claims to care about TRUTH, you dont seem care about being ACCURATE.

Why, thank you, I am right. When you care about truth, you tend to be right.

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Considering they are held to a higher standard than CSM yes i believe that.

It looks like an interesting thing to do! Thank you for the walk-through.
I will definitely do that as soon as my internet is open at my new place. I hope it doesn’t take more than 10 days. I’ve been curious about Pochven and Traglivians for too long ( 10 days lol ) and I want to kill a drone, just to say I did it.
I just moved over the weekend so I haven’t been able to log in since Friday and I’m missing the login rewards :sob:

Let me enlighten you. My chars are trained ONLY to do PI and NOTHING else. There is no way in heck that those two characters are going to be able to kill anything. EVE is expensive enough as it is. I’m not waisting time and money on this things anymore.

If I gank anyone in High Sec then I will pay a heavy price. And YET it is perfectly OK for CCP to break the rules of their own game. This is getting ridiculous. and the Equinox expansion and the SKINR is nothing but a cash grab. I hop it blows up in their face. I’m out of this f’ing game.

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Trigs were changed, so certain minor victory systems they dont attack anyone with neutral standings

Wrong, they just attacked me twice and i have a ZERO standing.

If you were attacked then you either have negative standings or you can submit a bug report with your loss mail.

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Entropic Disintegrator Werposts and their deployment fleets will no longer consider players with 0 standing with The Triglavian Collective as hostile.

Weapon damage ramp-up time for Entropic Disintegrator Werposts has been lengthened.

Entropic Disintegrator Werposts now feature a bounty upon destruction

Reinforcement fleets for Entropic Disintegrator Werposts have been scaled back in difficulty.

The interval at which new Werposts will be deployed has been increased.

The Triglavian Collective will no longer deploy Entropic Disintegrator Werposts at Stargates, Stations and Upwell structures in Minor Victory systems.

If the above doesnt apply to ypur situation, then the loss is warranted. If the above does apply, and you have zero standings, as mentioned, contact ccp

Because God forbid you spend ten minutes of your precious time to increase your safety. :roll_eyes:

Good job being the perfect example of the sort of player this game doesn’t need.

not like the trigs are the first NPCs to attack players either :stuck_out_tongue: