Request to CCP to increase the event a few days

So let’s say they’re extending it by a few days.

On the last day you come here with an alt, repeating the same thread.

So let’s say they’re extending it by a few days. Again.

On the last day, again, you’ll come here with an alt, repeating the same thread.

So let’s say they’re extending it by a few days. AGAIN.

On the last day, AGAIN, you’ll come here with an alt, repeating the same thread.

So let’s say they’re extending it by a few days. AGAIN.

On the last day, AGAIN, you’ll come here with an alt, repeating the same thread.

So let’s say they’re extending it by a few days. AGAIN!

And on the last day, AGAIN, you’ll come here with an alt, repeating the same thread.

And every single time it’s about how sad it is for the poor people who miss it.
You know, the victims of bad circumstances.

Where do you cross the line? When does it start not being unfair in your mind? Who should we tell “boohoo bad luck” and who should we tell to suck it up?

You might say “there’s got to be a limit”, but why shouldn’t the limit be the first time already? Why should your friends get the million SP, but the people who missed the new deadline not? It’s not sad if they’re missing it, just because they’re not your friends?

Or you might say they should just extend it forever so people in half a years time, who missed it, still get to have these sweet million SP. There’s always someone going to miss it by a few days, why shouldn’t they have it extended too?

Or maybe you might say “boo ■■■■■■■ hoo too bad for them” and we’re back at the beginning, because we could just throw that back at you now and be done with it.

IF they extend it once then everyone gets the extension lol your logic is very flawed xD one extension is plenty, 1mil sp is a huge deal people that miss it will be more inclined to stop playing than if the event with 1mil sp didn’t exist.

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“Man”, you actually need to think about what’s written because you missed the mark by kilometers.

Your tone and lack of empathy sais you missed life by Km’s :].


Yeah so what about the people who miss the new deadline?

People that miss it will be more inclined to stop playing than if the event with 1mil sp didn’t exist.

If someone misses the new deadline that means they would have missed 2 deadlines which is completely different to missing one. I don’t get why you want other people to miss it? Do you really so badly want that 1mil sp advantage? Do you feel that special.


No, I don’t lack empathy. I have tons of empathy. I have empathy for all of those who are missing it after the new deadline, who could come here and tell us that it’s sad they’ve missed the new deadline too.

We should be totally extending the new deadline as well, because of all the sad people who’re going to miss it. These poeple are poor victims of circumstances out of their control, why would you not want them to have the million SP too?

Are you ■■■■■■■ kidding me?

It ain’t different that these people will be sad about missing the new deadline, right? They could have missed the first one by a week and the last one just by a single day.

They’re still going to be sad, right?

You love to argue don’t you, stop for one second and think about why is it that your sitting here arguing with me, what purpose are you fighting for. Do you just want to say ■■■■ you to as many people as possible how does this even effect you?


I’m not fighting.

I’m trying to make you actually think about what you’re asking for, why you’re asking it and the consequences of it. I want you to think of all the people who missed the new deadline by just a single day and how they would be sad about that too!

So, should we extend the deadline for those who miss the new deadline too?

Yes or No?

If it’s huge, then it’s worth meeting the conditions that were known, before the event started.

THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is empathy!

You think about the others. There’s a reason why there a deadlines. The reason is that there needs to be a hard limit, otherwise someone can always come and reason with the fact that someone might be sad and that we should make them happy instead.

Then you get the situation I went through above. You ALWAYS have to continue the deadline, because there’s ALWAYS someone who’s going to be sad. OP doesn’t give a damn about empathy, because OP only cares about his friends getting the SP and not about the people who’d miss the new deadline.

That’s WHY there’s deadlines. They’re fair, because that’s just how the ■■■■■■■ world works. When you’re not there to get your free cake then you’re not there, period. Otherwise we’ll end in an infinite loop of extensions because there’s always someone going to miss the deadline and he could be sad about it.

Why should we not make those happy too?

Do you have no empathy?


And if said person loves eve and has been logging in everyday (contributing to the log in stat’s) and ends up stuck in a hospital bed for 5 days unable to log in is that still that person’s responsibility to find a way to log in.


No, it’s just bad luck. If that’s the case, then all the best for a speedy recovery.

Doesn’t change the situation with the event though, and it’s a side effect of anything that has a line drawn in the sand somewhere. There will always be people on the wrong side of the line and while unfortunate, moving the line doesn’t really help. That just changes who feels bad/unlucky about missing out.


Man, you stole my lines.

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This is Eve. They are mine now and you can’t have them back.


Uh uh, they’re mine now!

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CCPlz. You seeing this ■■■■? We need to stop this forum ganking!!! This is why the forum is dying and I promise, as a seasoned forum designer, if you don’t stop this, within 1-2 years, the forums will be dead.


yea me 2, does that still count as out of context quoting btw xD


Can you even prove you’re a forum designer?

I’ll let you know I’m an EVE veteran and I have over 800 confirmed kills! I am trained in gank warfare and I’m the top ganker in the entire EVE armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the ■■■■ out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this game, mark my ■■■■■■■ words.
