RESOLVED: Exploit Notification - Rogue Drones and Triglavian standings

I hope Players exploiting this before this Notification get this Standings adjusted. Look at you CSM 12 Suitonia. But anyway this doesn happen.

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So CCP mess up and players get screwed ?

I posted this yesterday int he feedback thread and got no response. I never played a part in the war and the update gave me standings withut warning of any changes.

My little Sunesis and I jump system to system specifically to pop the rouge drone sites. Does this mean that visiting those sites is now an exploit?

How are you, or I, going to determine if I’m exploiting or doing what I’ve been doing every day for the past month or so. ?

Are the drone sites going to be removed in the mean time or are we no longer allowed to run them ?

FYI I’m -8.1 to Rogue Drones so you can clearly see I’ve been killing the buggers for some time.

When you rectify the issue. Will you reset everyones standing back to 0.0, as mine was before the update ? or will it be left as is, 'cause, well, you guys ■■■■■■ up.


A word of advice to CCP, you fix it, not write about it…


no, theres a very specific process that was being used, not just running the sites, but a very specific set of actions that you would do that would quickly boost standings.

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Running sites is fine, performing the actions that were speed boosting the standings increase is not fine.

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So, I live in Drone region. I mostly hunt for Drone Squads and I get standings each time I finish site cuz there are 2 towers in each site.
So what now? I can`t (need to stop) run sites till you fix it?

You know its really stupid bonkers…as a few might have already said.

The player base wants to play as much content as possible.

But when it(player base) discovers a way to do things…you declare it an exploit…

Well sheesh, might as well remove jetcans, cause jetcans was an unintended thing that players started using because Hilmar forgot to remove the dev tool from us being able to use it!!

While your at it, remove all Minor Victory systems for both side from HS.

This is the absolute dumbest crap exploit. So what are capsuleers who couldn’t care less about the boring triglavian content, but operate in drone space supposed to do? Just stop doing PVE?

No dude, this isn’t hard, they didn’t say stop running anoms, they said doing the speed harvesting is an exploit. I’m not going to explain what the speed harvesting entails because CCP will CCP me but its NOT running the anoms, it was a specific set of actions that were giving standings that were accruing at an accelerated rate.

Krab till you cant krab no more bud you’re good if you weren’t purposefully Sutonia’ing up the place


People PAY to shot drones. If CCP refuses service by prohibiting it and warning everyone who does it, then I predict many unsubs.


Lame lame lame

How would anyone know this is an exploit?

All you are doing is making up for your failed content by blaming players.

Time to shut down the Iceland office.


It’s just convict bowing to Pearl Abyssal


CCP: Sets standing gains for both EDENCOM and Trigs.

Also CCP: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You can’t do that, that is an exploit!!!


Have you considered just calling it working as intended due to the fact that almost 100% of everyone hates (NPC) standings anyway?


You are explaining stuff that CCP should be explaining.


This is hilarious. First off, if you aren’t supposed to shoot those structures, why exactly is it possible to blow them up? There are structures that just give out the old 0 damage, so it’s not like it’s impossible to program.

Second, whenever I did drone content, I made sure to blow up as many drone bunkers as I can, also as many other drone structures as I could stand as well. I mean, drones are a dangerous plague so why the hell should I leave after a job half-done? That doesn’t make sense!

But apparently, this makes me a deviant and if I were one of those players who aren’t following the forum, I would have woken up to a nasty surprise soon, as a dirty “exploiter”


Shooting the turrets also count for these standings boost exploit. Shooting structures can also drop T1 loot. There is a reason to shoot everything.


I’m not though, at no point in the post does Convict say ‘stop running drone anoms its an exploit’, he very specifically said ‘some old drone content’, vague as always in the case of exploits.

If you weren’t allowed to run drone anoms, it would have said specifically that, and given you a vague reason why, because if they tell the players exactly what the exploit is there are those dumb enough to run right out and try and replicate it, creating more footwork for CCP to chase down offenders.

Giving a vague description (that never mentioned NOT running anoms) lets those actually currently exploiting that know whats up that the game is up and they can’t do it anymore without alerting the wider game population to the exploits exact mechanics.

No, clearing the anom does NOT make you an exploiter, again, its a multistep process, if you’re just regularly going about your day running drone anoms you’re going to be fine. IF however you’re doing speed runs by following step #2 that comes AFTER 'blow up the thing" then you’re probably going to get pickled by CCP

think im going to run lv4’s, and see if any of the “old” rouge drone content there does the same thing…

If it does, @CCP_Convict, are supposed to stop running missions too??