Alright. That was fun while it lasted. Off to shadowlands then while CCP realizes what a terrible mistake they’ve done and start throwing bandaids franticly
Lamao Who said small, you can do anything sky is the limit. add small / medium whatever in low sec, and large open ffs in null or whatever. Just not this Mining is hi-sec ■■■■■■■■.
I am neutral to positive about the changes, but out of interest:
Has anyone counted how many people want to quit?
Pure love!
Pure salt from the unimaginative reactionaries.
If you all only had the smallest of imaginations you would rejoice rather than whine incessantly.
…if said demand remains as it is today.
But it won’t.
Tritanium or the related raw ores aren’t easy to move in large quantity. It would be easier for the null-sec alliances to just lower their needs of capital ships, and reserve them for critical strategic operations, so that they won’t have to deal with the logistic nightmare.
They will remain in the garage… but as everyone know that this alliances have them in large quantity, I wouldn’t be surprised if the null-sec become politically immobile. No more real struggle for territories because even if the production went down, the caps are still there, somewhere… Small alliances would already struggle because of the Citadel Quantum Cores, but even if they won’t, they won’t even dare try to reach null-sec without a vassal contract. There will be some skirmishes for “content” or mostly to not make their PVPers bored too much.
In short, like today, but way worse.
CCP should just remove the capital ships from the game if they really want to make the null-sec bleed.
I think i could see your point Murazor,
But im going to have to disagree with you here…as i build stuff also and not always for profit but to help and supply allies and friends.
Overall i think this is going to be a generally ok change, its going to force everyone that is not 1-2 years in game to adapt and change their habits, those that can not or do it fast enough are the ones that will suffer the most.
Newer players, and the brand spanking new…meh, newborns are flexible and know not the old ways they will be fine.
I’m guessing you are not indy, or if you are, you are very bad at it. according to the CCP year end video, i exported 26bil in PI, that’s how i make my ISK to fund my other projects. I could just as easily say that someone who wants to blast stuff to ruin someone else’s game play is not normal…so knock off the judging and just accept that this game is more than pew pew
CCP has no idea how large-scale fights work. Any ‘new pvp event’ type thing they design will be for small gangs.
Let’s not forget that using Abyssal filaments are scannable with combat probes, which again gives the advantage to the aggressor.
Don’t get too hyped there, I’m not sure dealing with Blizzard’s mistakes will be easier than dealing with CCP’s mistakes
What the hell are you talking about?
It’s not a judgement, nor did I say that the game is only pew pew.
I’m saying that the pew pew in sufficient quantity is needed for your industry to be meaningfull and profitable.
That’s a fact.
if you are talking about ISK, then CCP is not the one you need to direct your ire at.
Hah i can tell that prices on everything will grow up on highsec especially rare/lowsec minerals(prices on zydrine will sky rocket 100%).And with it very big chances those who tryed to roleplay/make a baby steps as manufacturer or miner in high sec will drop this idea.And only one who will produse things will be alliances and big corps(Hello monopoly).And that would be very funny if lowsec/highsec systems will be claimed.And about “more movements and more destruction”-whats to point a fly in low sec on mine ship if this thing would be cost high as frick ?And to buy this ship you need a grind isk for24/7 or buy plex(oh wait you upped prices on it on some regions).Thats was my thougts on this topic.(Sorry if my grammatics makes youre eyes bleeds).Hello from vodka country.
More “weaponized inconvenience” - no innovation, no new gameplay, all stick, no carrot…
My list was the counter to you implying that only shooting things is PvP…
and it is not, learn to EvE please.
The ISK value of ships is based on two factors: how much it costs to make them, and how much can you get away with selling them for. Since the latter is subject to market pressure downward, upward pressure comes from ‘how much does it cost to make them’? Which is a question of mineral prices and availability. So, to an extent, yeah, CCP are directly responsible for things getting more expensive since December.
A very fine idea, however as i mentioned earlier, they seem to want to transform this into a Red vs Blue war game. BTW, do you think you can convince them to give WH’s assets safety? I’m a Worm Holer and i know it is self serving, but i can’t unsub this account without causing loss to corp mates. Sadly you guys are going in a direction i am no longer interested in
So hyped for the Twitch stream later after reading the feedback here.
I never implied that and this comment have absolutely no use in a conversation about the relation between pew pew and industry
That’s just you nitpicking on the choice of words for the pleasure of being annoying
Learn to debate please?
I have been playing this game since 2006, and playing solidly since 2008. This is actually the only video game I really play.
I would like to thank you guys for the new changes as this will finally end my computer-focused hobbies, allowing me to transition into more irl-based activities since I no longer have faith in CCP’s ability to make good game decisions or direct the future of EVE Online along a positive path.
I don’t think that’s within the realm of possibility.