Resource Redistribution Update

I am foremost here to complain about these changes as this is gonna be alot of changes to be made to my excel sheet.
secondly i don’t think this will be the right way of going about this, making minerals sec specific will not make this game more balanced, i personaly fear that miner in highsec might not see the changes sufficient enough to just start mining the veldspar and i forsee them rather swap to ice as a better income source as that might now also increase in value.
Lastly and this might just be an oversight on my end but does spodumian even still spawn somewhere now, as the new ore anoms arent mentioning them and last “resource redistribution” already removed them from null-sec belts

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The problem is that CCP’s trying to do this overhaul while promoting destruction, and the two goals work at cross-purposes. The more instability you introduce to the foundational aspects of the economy, the less people are willing to risk the end-products. Attempting to increase consumption while overhauling supply is just going to produce a whole lot of anger and frustration from the people who are being forced to react while trying to plan ahead.

If CCP were to sit their asses down and come up with a clear model of ‘THIS IS WHAT WE WANT THE END RESULT TO LOOK LIKE’, people could get on about the business of adapting and planning for that end result. But I don’t think CCP’s got a clear idea of what they think it should look like, beyond things like ‘dynamic’, ‘procedural’, and other buzzword-style things.

And that’s understandable, to some degree. EVE’s ecosystem is… big. And complex. It’s not that different from trying to redesign a biological ecosystem while the whole thing is still operating, really. Trying to come up with that comprehensive picture of how it all fits together… that’s not a small undertaking. Unfortunately, it’s a necessary one, and it’s one @CCP_Rattati has said in the past is his responsibility.

Tune into the stream at 1800 EVE. Maybe they’ll pay attention to questions from the chat.


Exactly. Those "bright " minds that made this change don`t see that if the loss is too painful for a players then the player wont do the things that will result a possible loss of the ship. As a result there will be less fights and in the end less destruction. They are doing exactly what they are not supposed to do.
Hey CCP, make the ships less expensive and then the players will fight more often and have more fun not all the way around.


Dude, this week has been like 3 years long, and I’m not even a politician or a CSM.


Okay but then again it’s not answering my point.

The fact that building the actual thing is most of the time not worth the effort means that something is broken somewhere. This is not normal. And no, you can’t justify it by saying “But I do build ships, for my friends!”

It should be the normal situation to always be more profitable if you create the end-product. You shouldn’t feel like you are better of selling the materials unless one of your friends needs a ship.

I agree.

But for instance, this update seems to push people to go and mine in Low-sec for some specific ores, for example.

Isn’t pushing some miners in this place that is pretty much the best hunting ground of the game a good thing for that problem?

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hmph, might I list everything in EvE that is PvP…

1.) Mining or other resource collection is PvP…get it before the other guy does?

2.) Mission Running is PvP…a form of resource collection and ISK making…get stuff and become richer faster than the next guy?

3.) Marketeering is PvP…Sell higher, buy lower than the next guy?

4.) Industry is PvP…hmmm build better, faster, and cheaper than others around you? supply your combat friends and dump on the market cause you can and still make a profit?

5.) Exploration is PvP…getting the goods before anyone else?

6.) PI is PvP… doing it better than others? making ISK? supplying an indy corp? helping blues?

7.) Anom running is PvP…getting those Phat deadspace and faction lootz before others?

8.) Combat action/ganking is PvP… lets face it you are shooting someone!!

9.) Fc’ing is PvP… administrative paperwork, multi-fitting, designing doctrines, juggling timezones, prepping SRP, acquiring the stuff to FIT with!! , advertising operational moments(pinging), setting your alarm clocks, herding cats, drinking coffee, taking headache pills…and after all that you might lead said Fleet into battle or just go to bed and assign a Junior.

10.) Alliance/Coalition Leadership is PvP…lets face it at this level you don’t Play EvE as EvE you play EvE like Galactic Civilizations or Stellaris or Starcraft.

Have i missed anything? is there anything that is not PvP in EvE???


you get it

So yet again CCP has the opportunity to completely redesign the minerals distribution system. And this solution is what has come from it.

What will it do:

  • Make people work / trade with each other for minerals
  • Give alts a purpose.
  • Make it nearly impossible for a small/medium corp to “Move” into Low sec or Null sec. As they are going to be needing to use the market / mining.

What will it stuff up:

  • For a null sec corp/alliance to move- now need to consider there low sec and high sec routes.
  • Living far away from HS and Low Sec is now penalized.
  • Ore prospecting upgrades seem pointless.
  • To build a ship just became harder.
  • Build a fleet of ships will now require massive forward planning and logistics.

Just another missed opportunity; that will cause people to drift away.


What was your feedback? I know that didn’t give a rat’s ass about the Quantum Core feedback, or any feedback/suggestions in the past come to think of it. Sorry, i went off on a tangent…What was your feedback?

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I don’t know if you missed something in your list, but I missed the part where you explain why you answer this to me?

My point is “you need pew pew to happen or all the industrials aspects goes irrelevant”.

What is your list doing to answer my point?

Lol, voting with my wallet. Had 6 fully subscribed accounts, now down to 3. They will finish soon. Off to find another game where players, their activities and the work they have put into their game are rewarded, not punished (or thieved from or stolen etc etc by the developers).

I also hope the developers have the brains to change the career agent missions where some missions require mexallon, isogen etc.

Oh, and I won’t be logging back in so comment away


just because you need a fleet to destroy it doesn’t mean it needs a nerf. knock it off…

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After seeing these purposed changes I have consulted with the great sages.

Their unanimous reply was telling:

CCP doesn’t understand their game


Exacly this, make players battle for rich deposits of resources, insted of this garbage, you can reduce ammount of minerals in knows space by 80% and just add new types of pvp events in low/null where you battle for special filaments or whaever. PUSH PEOPLE TO FIGHT NOT BORING AS HELL RISK AVERSIVE GAMEPLAY!

Right, except it doesn’t scale so well now. Once you hit the ‘anom is done in 5 minutes and you’re locked here for 5 minutes’, scaling up more rorqs doesn’t get you to the new anom faster. You’re still there for the full 5 minute siege cycle.

Are you kidding? DeathVentures would be the absolute shite, again. But no, that’s why I didn’t say to let it bridge. Basically, make it a jump-Raitaru. Just, you know, able to move/warp around at slow-ass ‘I’m an industrial capital’ speeds so just using it isn’t AIDSy AF.

This just confirms I was doing the right thing when I liquidated my titans and supers and cancled all subs back in June.


Yeah, because what we really need is more emphasis on bullshite small gang nonsense in null.

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I told them that they should put this blog post up as a “this is what we’re considering” post, let the players comment on it, then make changes based off that feedback and post a final blog later with the final changes, and having them go live farther out than in a few weeks.


Problem is the kind of incensitive.
If you FORCE people, and make thing more boring they will just stop the game. (Blackout hello).
When i have read the perma ESS thing its was a ■■■■■■■ good start of idea… but in old economy thibng not the actual one.

In reality if CCP have introduce this : When you kill an NPC you get 1% of his bounty on you’re head… people will have incentive to kill farmer.
For miner ? same, NPC give you bounty bezacause you’re mione THEY RE ORE.

And guess what all this money could come from actual npc bounty reduction for exemple (the 5 % steal by actual lake of ESS in space).
At the end of the day hunter will hunt farmer to make money, they loose ship ? already replace by bounty.

I will make a full post later to explain alot of economic and game design thing CCP totally miss. and what they coudl do to make eve great again.

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Here’s and idea the price of ore will go up that much it will be profitable to reprocess your titans and suppers - I think this what ccp wants in null sec …