You’re wrong there: mining ships can indeed compete against small gangs. Procurers are a tough nut to crack, and they can give combat ships a run for their money. Brick tanked procurers are what I used to mine moons in low, and I’ve killed things with them you wouldn’t think they could take.
And to be honest, the more miners, the more detriment. If you’ve got three or four procurers sitting in a belt with a cloud of T2 drones around it, your average lowsec pirate small gang is going to think twice about engaging.
Also, you’re not going to be getting engaged all the time. There’s going to be hours where nobody will come through system. Between the more valuable ores and your ship insurance, I’d put money on you being able to not only cover losses you take, but also make a nice profit.
I said it looks like you approved it, because the change favors only the biggest groups. If CCP does that “against” your opinion, it just shows the fruits of indoctrination in the past
I am not a CCP employee or shareholder so I don’t care about CCP’s revenue. If CCP suffers a decline in profit but the quality of EVE improves then I’m 100% in favor of it.
No, it wouldn’t. The reason people don’t mine in lowsec right now is there’s more profit in highsec, aside from moons. This change is going to push people to lowsec, where they’re going to work out how to make good money while defending themselves. Or it won’t and people like me, who’ve lived in lowsec for years and know how to make it lucrative, will just get richer.
To be honest, I’m fine with either option. I don’t need an “umbrella” to mine in lowsec, I’ve been doing it for four years.
Normal players in a PvP game are the ones who engage in PvP
This is NOT a PvP game, it’s a Sandbox game where PvP happens. I would be interested to see a breakdown of players who actively engage in PvP on the regular (lets say maybe once a week to count as PvP). it wouldn’t surprise me if it was below 25% of players.
Yes it is. EVE was designed from day one to be a PvP-focused sandbox game. There’s a reason why CCP has consistently maintained a policy that all players (other than newbies in the tutorial systems) can be engaged in combat at any time, and why all of the things that make EVE interesting (epic wars, the player-driven economy) are driven by PvP.
It is a sandbox that contains PvP. but it also contains PvE, Econnomy, Trading, Exploration. Did you even watch the Dev Twitch thing? they straight up said most new players come here for the exploration gameplay initially, not PVP. PvP is a component (and I will concede, it’s a large component, but not the Only and definitely not the primary driving factor behind game design) not the entire point.
Also The Eve-Online website literally states:
EVE Online is a community-driven spaceship MMO where players can play free, choosing their own path from countless options.
Experience space exploration, immense PvP and PvE battles and a thriving player economy in an ever-expanding sandbox.
Participate in many in-game professions and activities, including war, politics, piracy, trading, and exploration, across 7,000 star systems with hundreds of thousands of other players.
But there’s more ways to do that than shooting people. Some people do market trading, determining how they win by how much isk they accumulate. Others do pvp by assisting their corporation/alliance in industry or mining, letting their corpmates compete directly with other groups while they act in a support role. Some engage in pvp by leading said corporations/alliances, deciding what the goal and vision of the corporation is going to be. Some are the ones out there actually doing the shooting.
PvP isn’t about getting in a ship and blowing something up.
Which is primarily a PvP activity (you are competing against other players) and almost 100% driven by combat PvP destruction creating demand for new production.
Also PvP, just with capitalism instead of guns.
Yes, it exists. It’s also a boring as hell menial grind that has virtually nothing in common with the rest of the game. It is, by far, EVE’s worst side and it amazes me that anyone willingly participates in it as more than just a means to fund more interesting stuff.
Sure. But all of these things are perfectly suited to lowsec mining and industry.
ССР you are brainless people. to make the game better - you make it worse and destroy.
you make the economy worse. with your help, ships are sold 2 times more expensive. raven was 100 million, and now 200. you have the experience of a fool when you introduced blackout. with this update you will get the same. you must attract players, not push them away from you.
this update will lead the game to utopia
I have a clarification question about mining belts in nullsec. Spodumain is not listed in this part of the change:
All variations of Scordite, Plagioclase, Omber, Jaspet, Hemorphite, Hedbergite, Gneiss, Dark Ochre, and Crokite will be removed from Nullsec asteroid belts
Does that mean Spodumain will still spawn in Null Sec Belts in Amarr and Caldari space? If that’s the case then there’s going to be a lot of completely empty belts as the area of minmatar nullsec space I live in ONLY contains the things being removed. Minmatar nullsec belts anywhere that isnt .5 or lower will be completely empty unless I missed something. Good luck if you’re trying to improve sov and there’s nothing to mine in the belts I guess we’ll have to invest in putting an athanor up and mining a moon for a week to get the level 1 indy sov upgrades.
You’re a bunch of out of touch clowns that are slowly destroying your own game.This latest RE-WORK is a complete joke which is pushing players away from the game along with the Trig invasion of high sec which is making mining and hauling pointless.CCP are only interested in Null/Low sec PVP corps doing well which is the the reason why im stopping my monthly subscription at the end of the month and retiring from this joke of a game.
pretty sure whatever ccp say there going to do and what they actually do will be down to beancounters in there saying whatever omega retentions and skill sales dictate as its a business and not a charity . So they dont know what eve should look like ?