That’s not necessarily a bad thing. My uncle had a mustang with a pinch in the fuel line. Didn’t notice for normal driving, but over 4k RPM’s it would starve the engine. My grandma considered it a ‘safety feature’.
Messing with the ore this way just doesn’t seem to be a great approach. More randomness, more unpredictability is nice, but just removing 1/3rd of the resource and knocking off down the pub lacks nuance and finess.
Well, maybe. But they are part of what is making EvE Online being EvE Online.
This is the only game with battles on such an epic scale.
Now, obviously, I don’t like TiDi, it is absolutely tedious. But I would take TiDi anyday other the server just dying or this kind of things not existing at all.
An let’s be honnest, the fights that push the TiDi to the point of making the game really unplayable are a rare thing.
Right now, in the middle of pretty much the biggest war in the past 5 years, they happen, like, twice a month?
Without such a war, they happen four times a year?
I can understand that it becomes unbearable if repeated too frequently. But when you pretend that “Nobody likes it”, you are far from the reality. A ton of players involved are hyped as ■■■■ for those historical moments.
Most notably the capital ships pilots who don’t have many occasion to use their toys at all in the game outside of those moments.
I’ll give you that, the feature itself including a looot of tedious steps is not helping at all. But I don’t feel like people just want to spread out their army and fight dozens of parallels battles at the same time nonetheless.
And, to some degree, the tedious is necessary. Otherwise, you would have entire Empires falling in a matters of days, maybe even hours. That kind of defeat the purpose of creating a Space Empire at all.
That sounds amazing, indead, but what exactly is stopping such situation to happen again? Is it a mechanical problem somewhere?
I can’t think of any mechanic making that impossible currently.
It’s hard to “removing the damage already done”, 'cuse you can hardly just pop here and say “Okay so we are removing X assets out of Y players”.
But, yeah, making the economy weaker as a whole does reduce in the long run the ability that people have to just pop Keepstars out of their asses just like that.
So what? How is that countering everything of what I answered you?
I never said you had to be into pew-pew yourself. I said that without enough pew pew existing in the game, then your whole indy and research thing is useless.
A lot of indy players love to say “without us, you can’t PvP”.
Well, that’s partially true. But that goes both ways. Without PvP, nobody would give a ■■■■ about your industry.
Steve talks about highsec anoms. You use it to say ‘relic hunters would have a purpose in null’.
Btw? Relic hunters wouldn’t mean crap if we had to scan down ore anoms, we’d just have a single prober sitting tethered, ready to probe as soon as each anom pops up.
You know most null moons no longer hand standard ores, right? Because gravity can’t make Veldspar stick together, but that Loparite, boy, that just gloms itself into MASSIVE balls of rock.
Also, if the moons no longer have other ores to get in the way, why can’t we just drop refineries on the moon and PI the hell out of the moongoo?
Why would we scale out with more rorquals when the biggest anoms in null already don’t last a full 5-minute core cycle for our normal 10-20 rorq groups?
Yeah, man, those were the good old days, back when people got paid for not doing a damned thing and only had to risk the price of 1 tower. How 'bout no. You want the goo, you go GET the goo.
So which is it? Will the null groups just crap out more rorqs, or do the rorqs not pay for themselves?
They did that, and more, in December.
Aegis sov is so cancerous, nobody really fights over it. It’s all about structures and fixed locations people can prep to attack. And even then, they really don’t like doing it.
No, it needs to be an on-grid booster that can transport the exhumers and their pilots. That’s the real kicker of why we haven’t moved back to exhumers: they can’t get to the ore. Especially now, with the smaller anoms, the rorq’s overkill, and stupidly expensive, but Skiffs and Hulks can’t jump. So you can’t move from one place to another to keep sucking down ore or moongoo.
Sure, you can load the ships into the rorq, and then interceptor the pilots around, but that’s cumbersome and inconvenient. The game code already considers citadels ‘ships’. When you ‘dock’, you’re actually still in space, compared to ‘in a station’. So just apply that block of code to all capitals, and let people dock up in the ship maintenance bays. Just give them a limited capacity. Poof! The rorq’s yield can get nerfed even more, but people will still want them, because they let mining fleets get to the good stuff.
I dunno, it’s only obvious enough that it’s been put out there a dozen times over the last 4 years for ‘how to fix the rorqual’, but I guess it’s too much work, or something?
So first you have destroyed small traders by Relist fee and increased Transaction tax on market so players now trade outside game. That was great. Now you gave another nail to the small industrialist coffin by cripling the chance to mine materials needed. This is superior.
So only big nullblocs are now able to do anything industrial. Great, really great job, my Korean friends.
BTW if you think carebear miners will go mine to low or even null and let pirates killing their mining ships, you must be insane or totally stupid. NO carebear will go to low ANY time. You cannot force players to do what they hate, which for carebears is loosing ships in low. They will simply stop mining and probably leave the game.
One active core per grid is a really good idea. Anything to move away from a fleet of 50 rorquals.
Interesting idea. Production slots based on the citadel size would actually give a better reason to put up a XL vs a L, and the additional fuel costs might balance out trying to deploy a bunch of M structures.
Could say stuff but none of it would be very nice, but thanks for kicking me as a small industry guy in the face again, guess we all just go join a null bloc and then you can delete high and low sec.
CCP contradicts itself. Do players determine the cost of a product on the market? Are you serious?
I suggest removing any ore everywhere for 2 months.
I wonder how much Vexor will cost? Orca? Etc
I see Tidi almost every time I jump a gate with a 100 man fleet.
It is not necessary for things like Keepstars. All happens on one grid by shooting the structure instead of weakening it by other means. Not to mention that all the things that enabled that fight are now on the KS grid as well as POS cyno jammers are no more.
Yes. But if you quote my entire statement, you will notice that I was speaking about “TiDi making the game unplayable”.
The game is not “unplayable” as soon as action go slower than usual.
Also, I don’t know where you are playing but I rarely see TiDi before the 400 characters (200 on both sides) personnally…
Okay, that’s fair enough. So, your idea would be some kind of secondary structure that on destruction would weaken the Keepstar and would have to be dropped on an other grid in the first place?
Praise Bob now if you could just nerf the Orcas ability to mine you might be on to something. The ship is never destroyed in hisec when it is mining. Rarely when it is Hauling. Clearly this ship needs to be hit with a nerf bat to discourage bots from using it.