Resource Redistribution Update

You do get that prior to 2013 the system was like this right?
CCP changed the system in 2013 from specific minerals in specific areas to null having all minerals.
This is mostly a reversion to the old system.


whine or maybe we love eve more than you and afraid about future?

Interesting this isā€¦


will see what happens in a few months

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you pick what you want from ccp changes. In last year taxes bounty prices nearly everything change at eve economy. And We already know 3rd wave incoming. These are really radical. Plus You ignore you cant negative your old faults with doing reserve things easly. because dmg already done. with 2013 you give too much power to nullsec. Now They already have no rival. and you want neutr your old fault with doing wrong thing. Sry but you dont understand anything.

Ultimately the biggest problem with this change is that resources are still going to be infinite.

Make belts vanish permanently when a system is mined too much. Thatā€™ll leave a mark.

Itā€˜s a game, there is nothing to be afraid of the future.

If you are really afraid about the future you should consider spending your efforts into real world politics and solve some real world issues.

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yes in same logic when we die at pvp we have start from 0ā€¦ this totaly diffirent game system.

Holy word salad batman.
Might I suggest the rant corner with the cone of silence if all you want to do is scream.
Because you keep ignoring any points and inventing new word salads to complain about.

No, EVE does not have banks, and banks are not markets. Banks in the real world often incorporate stock trading to make their own money, and to provide additional investment services, but they are not markets.

EVE, by comparison, doesnā€™t even have actual investment markets. Commodity trading has to be done with actual supplies of the commodity, not abstracted share values.

Heā€™s got a much clearer idea of how EVEā€™s economics work and differ from real economics than you seem to, Iā€™m afraid.

Sure. But then give us actual belt amounts. How many cubic meters of rock do you think is floating between Jupiter and Mars? Or just among Jupiterā€™s trojans? Itā€™d take decades for us to mine that amount.

17 years probably

again another person come and this is game you have no rightsā€¦ I saw your type cheap advotactes too many times. but plz if this is game. why our money and time spending at here is real? Yes we already working on better real world. We dont want pullution we want peace. we want better future. but these are hard things and we need fun too. Ever duty is entertain us. Why you cant say ā€œwhy ccp fail entertaing us?ā€ you entire logic fail.

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here come the days where a simple destroyer will cost billions of isk

Only if you want to fit it with T15 officer mods. (Or is it 16 now, I forget).
Ships might move in price a bit, but itā€™s not going to be orders of magnitude, if it costs 1 million now, it might get to 2 million, but itā€™s not going to be 10 or 20 million.

No, not even close. More like 70. And thatā€™s just one group of trojans at one of the lagrange points of one planet. Thereā€™s a second group of trojans at another lagrange point, and more of them ahead of, and behind, each of the other planets. And then thereā€™s the Oort Cloud.

Thereā€™s a lot to mine out there. Whole Earths (plural) of m3 to process. In all of EVE, we havenā€™t scratched the surface of that amount of ore.

I just donā€™t get what you guys are trying to do? You really canā€™t be trying to kill this game; however it feels that way. Prices of ships will skyrocket and the ships that most people fly will sit in station for the fear of losing them. Since they will not be able to pay the price to replace it. The old saying fly what you can afford to loose. Looks like a lot of noob ships are going to be flying around space soon. With zero trit in Null, we wonā€™t even be able to make ammo to kill ships without creating a logistic train to get minerals to null. Speaking of logistic train; how many JF will be needed to import minerals and the like to null, for capital building. This will slow down production and warfare. None of the alliances are going to want to go to war without being able to reship and load ammo. Ya no way in hell are we going to drop supers they just went up 100x in price or no capitals or other sweet ships on market to purchase cause they to hard to make. I understand that you guys (CCP) want less caps in the game. Well its a game sooner or later everyone gets to ā€œend gameā€ if they want it. Only thing I can see is less subs, less wars, less items on market and what is on market will inflate to an absence amount.

What are you guys going to start selling mineral/ore packages on your site? Only conclusion that I can make.


70 with our present technology.
Bet we could do it with less if we advanced our tech 23000 years.

I know what you are doing. Stop it. It wonā€™t work with me.

The Earth has a volume of about 1,083,206,916,846 cubic kilometers <----
A cubic KM is 1 billion cubic M.
Want to calculate how many rorqual hours that is?

I am playing this game as I enjoy mingling around with my Corp members, doing activities in EVE and having some fun sometimes to win and sometimes even having fun to loose a fight (if it was a good one).

Why are you playing this game?

I already explain my reasons well. If you dont want to understand this is only show you dont want understand because of your personal reasons and interestsā€¦ so I dont think you are honest. I dont do more effort to you.

It seems that CCP will destroy the Mining, industry and Manufacturing aspect of the game. Seems they are trying to force people into low-sec and Null-sec. Mineral and ore prices will go through the roof. Maybe EVE has been around too long and they are trying to get rid of it by driving people off. Maybe it is time to find a new game to invest in. Hate to say it, but its been a good run.