Resource Redistribution Update

All these complaints and suggestions will fall on deaf ears. That’s how CCP functions these days. Chaos Era, remember? They must think that we’re loving the chaos in the real world so much they can force it on us in game too and no one will careless…

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They already have done that. CFC has several non-wardecable “noob” alliances in high sec to “attract new players”. Pandemic Horde has the same, TEST groups too. Guess what will happen.

They can do whatever they want with their game, it’s their game after all. But if I’m paying money, logic and economics demand I expect a return but 24/7 of Pew-Pew and ONLY Pew-Pew isn’t my idea of FUN, I’m not THAT simplistic and the game wasn’t supposed to be that simplistic either.
The only way I’ll care less is if I don’t give them my money. As an Alpha, I could care less what they do and would have NO grounds to expect anything. Since that’s the way CCP wants it, that’s the way they’ll have it. Doesn’t bother me to save the money from the subscription and use it on another game.

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I was out in space gathering resources and interacting with others in doing so, I was also having fun. The one issue is that there were changes made to make it a lot easier to catch people, such as different warp speeds and ships that are not on D-scan.

Whine, lol…, I am showing my displeasure by making it cost CCP. It is biased because I went and talked about the issue in the moderation thread, all my posts were deleted including the one where I detailed the issue with the moderation when I talked about what created the flame wars. I say biased because I noticed the people who went after me were not banned like I was and continued doing what they do in multiple threads. As I said biased moderation, but I know you are fine with the bias as it suits you. My personal action will cost CCP €239.84 and I am happy with that. So when people ask what happened to Dracvlad, people can say he de-subbed for a seven month period to show his displeasure at the ISD’s biased moderation, and that quatum cores stopped what he was in the process of doing.

I am pretty sure you will flag this and get me a ban, so not bothered as my sub runs out very soon.


the problem would then be, how do you do for new players, imagine if at the first jump gate of your player history you lost your only ship rookie in a ban bubble … i enjoy playing eve, because eve offers the possibility to choose pvp, pve, criminal, trader, producter. this is in advertising. then the highsec must be, otherwise eve could no longer be eve.


There are a thousand workarounds to that for people with some imagination and a desire for the game and its new players to succeed.
Just to name one: Newbros could spawn in a protected constellation where they could be shot for acting like a pirate. They would leave that constellation on their own, when they’re ready and psyched for PvP and anything else the game can throw at them.
The game already sets up 1-1 combat ‘Arena’ for those who chose to so new players could use that to get a feel for PvP.

Off the top of my head I can think of a few ways to shake things up that are more creative, far less intrusive and not undermining a large part of the current player base.

Need something to make afk mining less feasible? The NPC spawns in any given belt should scale with the mass of ships mining there. Make it 20 battleships instead of 2 measly destroyers in an averagely mined ice belt - et voila, you have a realistic chance of losing your mining ships and a very real need for a response fleet accompanying your mining op.

Want to make the miners move around more? Take out most ores from the stationary belts and put them into randomly spawning mining anomalies (or signatures). While the amount of available ores would be the same, one would have to put a bit more effort and movement into actually getting them.

Right now CCP’s solutions feel less like a creative improvement and more like a rusty axe - which is, once again, hitting the new players and the casual players who do not want to join big alliances. Doesn’t seem like a good tactic for getting more paying customers ;).


This looks like hisec.

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Yes, but it only looks like it, it isn’t. You know what hi-sec is and it’s not what I just described.
Currently hi-sec is free for all where you may get popped as well as if you’re in Low or Null with the difference that CONCORD shows up quicker. You know that.

That has been their goal all along. FORCE players into corporations so they can have those BIG SPACE BATTLES they can advertise to draw more new players.

They should make it CLEAR on their Steam Store Page: This game is co-op ONLY. If you’re a casual player or a solo player, this game isn’t for you.
NOWHERE did I read that when I downloaded the game few years ago. If they had, I sure as hell would not have downloaded it.
And do you know why they don’t put that on their Store Page? Because they don’t care about people’s time and don’t care about the players, period.


False equivalence and you know that.

In hisec you will get shot by CONCORD for doing pirate things and become a free target for anything that stands between that and stealing.
In Null and Low there is NO CONCORD response, as the prompt for those that still have it reminds them.

Would you rather have your ship instantenously explode the moment you set safeties to red in the “protected” space? In the context of sandbox PvP, where you must be given the tools and opportunities to do what you want to whoever you want, that is not how it should work.

What you want is literally the opposite of what the many “pvprulez” chads that claim to play better than everyone else want. It is a literal pillow-padded room.

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… and you and your bloc buddies still pretend you don’t like the changes? Monopolizing resources will be so much easier with this change.

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You’re right, it was false equivalence.
I do not want a padded room. I just want the game to BE what they advertise it to be: A players’ driven sandbox.
That’s not what it is now.

I agree it is their game, and believe it, or not I do enjoy some chaos. A lot of their clients though, don’t. You can say let them leave, let them be upset, noob, whiners, b!tch, blah, blah. Fine, whatever, but as a business, or politician it’s not a good idea to piss off your paying clients/constituents. Never-the-less, they are willing to do it anyway.

It’s true you can’t make everyone happy, but I think there are better ways to achieve the mineral scarcity they want to create without upfront shocking the system to this extent.

My thoughts were, remove some ore types from all belts, and drastically reduce the amount of the “rarer stuff” in anoms. I also really like the idea that’s been floated several times of random maintenance cost on all fitted ships AND structures. Of course you could just keep these packaged when not in use, but then you loose rigs every time and also have go through the inconvenience of fitting them again to use them. You could also have something like mandatory docking fees at non-noob NPC stations and optional fees player owned structures. Or make refining more costly or have less efficient returns. Or all of these, or none of these, I don’t know.

I’m just saying there’s less abrasive methods to get done what they want.

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It’s all about hauling now. Hauling game to waste your Omega time. Trigs disrupted major trade lines + this ore redistribution. I’m surprised they didn’t made wider systems (200AU) and slower warps…but that was not necessary with these 2 former changes.


lamest change to the game since blackout…

great way to reduce the #'s of people actually wanting to play the game

looks like i will be signing up to dual universe o/


There’s a lot of - minerals there and not a lot of + , most people mine because they ENJOY it, if you want to make big bucks you rat in caps or do missions etc. I feel CCP are forgetting most people play games for fun, there’s a lot of miners and industrialists in this game who tend to be the ones that multibox, if they are not having fun, they will run, Well whatever well see wont we, o7.


Looks like CCP’s get 'in Greedy again. All about the bottom line and sticking it to your core player base. This is a bad idea. I don’t mind a shake up every now and then but when there is no win for anyone. All this is going to do is bottleneck an already defective system and cause prices to go up. If prices go up to high we’ll all be flying around in Frigs again. Risk has to equal reward. I don’t know how many times your player base has told you, you just cant get it through your thick skull I guess.


Odd that I manage 150M+/h (close to 200M/h actually) doing L4 missions in hisec when everyone says they don’t pay… hell, lazy running L4s easily makes 60M/h. It is not much, but much more than mining.

shhh mate, thell be after lvl 4 missions next :frowning: