Retrieved Old Accounts and the are in Triglavian Space

@Elsebeth_Rhiannon Is the [EM] Pochven Entry Manual up to date on filament and wormhole connection details for Pochven?

OP, there are two ways in and out of Pochven without resorting to the Pod Express (which, keep in mind, will go to your medical clone - so check that location out first!):

  1. Use of wormholes
  2. Use of exit filaments (magic teleport objects you can buy on the market/loot from NPCs and consume)

Some people in this situation will ferry their assets out of Pochven using the above exit (and corresponding entry) methods; others sell it all and escape with just one shipload or even pod out. Really depends on your particular skills and experience. Might be worth leaving the assets in place for now (if in an NPC station, anyway?) while you learn how to navigate the region and decide if you are interested in trying to extract anything.