Returning Back: WTF happened with the prices?

This game is worth 20 Euro’s a month per account?
Price has doubled since I last played.

Really off putting.

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Maybe you’d prefer a free game?

I heard Wordle is fun.


Liar, in more ways than one.


Zkill don’t lie!

This is rage bait! OP should be ashamed.

Receipts don’t lie.

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I play as a free alpha, but even then I drop some Krona on them for Plex. Free is really a concept when it comes to anything you do in life. Is it really “free” to listen to music in the park? There is always a vendor there trying to sell me something with a 400% markup. @Jamie_Bauer do you get free internet where you live? I pay $98 USD/90.65 EU per month here. If I play Eve online 3 hours per day on average, then $18 of my waking internet bill is just for Eve online. It is called having strings attached to your freedoms.

I play casually, so I pay casually too. No one is twisting your arm to pay. Posting complaints about it to the players, won’t lower the prices either.

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Liar-liar pants on fire :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Inflation should have driven it higher and I dont think less than 20 dollars is an issue. I spend that much getting a soda and a sammich.

I have to agree, the prices compared to what else I could spend it on are more than fair. I would rather spend a 20 on a game once a month and not eat out for ONE meal. (Also get multiple months worth at a time and save!)

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Prices have doubled for everything. Where you been, in a cave?

Don’t have to play.
Bye! Gimme yur stuffff!

The base subscription went from $15/mth to $20/mth, so 33% increase not double. If you want lower pricing you need to sign up for longer periods. There have also been sales you can watch for.

As for the “off putting”, EVE’s setup and pricing for subs/Plex/multiple accounts make it basically the most expensive game I’ve ever seen. Whether it’s “worth” it or not is up to the individual, but pretty clearly over the years a very large portion of the player base has said no, it’s not. And left.

I play almost a dozen other online games, none of them raised their prices in the last few years. Most of them offer more ‘free to play’ functionality than EVE does. So yes, EVE’s pricing model is off-putting. But it always was, and that never bothered CCP. They apparently feel it’s better to have a small player base that can afford to pay more, than to have more players.

Of course, that’s also why they had to go F2P and then sell the company.

At any rate, if the game is worth it to you, get longer subs on sale to reduce the price. If it isn’t worth it, play a reduced version of the game as an Alpha clone - they have plenty of options. If that doesn’t work, walk away. There’s no shortage of other games to play.

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Only fools buying Omega per month for 20 bucks.




Guys OP is gone. He is exposed as a complete liar. Nothing else to discuss. Plex is stable at 2.5bil for 500. Prices are stable in $$$. Just pay for bulk omega time if you want to save money per month.

Move on.


Do you gank Wordle players too? You seem like someone who would do that.

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You are someone that understands critism ONLY as hate,hm? :slight_smile:

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Still cheaper than my daily $22 Strawberry Probiotic smoothie at Erewhon.

Criticism is constructive and insightful, whereas you are just whining about the price.

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where do you buy your soda and sandwich???

Or are you talking when you go see the back street boys or Nsync

Took my wife to see back street boys in Chicago last year and paid 20 bucks for a tall boy

Same people who complain on spending $20 a month also be buying Starbucks and eating out :joy: :skull: :skull:



Being in a coma for the past 15 years is not an excuse to plead ignorance about current events.

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