Returning player looking for a pvp corp. 115m SP

Returning player looking for a pvp corp. 115m SP. Looking for null sec or pirate fac war group.

Hello buddy,

If you are interested in WH space living, check out Holy Hunters :

Howdy, we are Threat Contained! Made up of bitter vets and Dust514 Mercs currently living in Fountain part of the Initiates with the intent of joining the Initiative.

We are looking for returning vets and new bros looking for the opportunity to PVP and reestablish themselves in the game in an laid back environment. Our alliance offers plenty of opportunities to PVP, rat, plex, and build sh*t to your hearts content.

If interested reply here join “THRT Recruiting” in game.

Hey mate,
Come and chat with us on our discord server so we can find out if we would be a good fit as your next corp.

Check out our advert, I can guarantee its worth you talking to us before you make your decision on your next Corp :100:

Hey brother,

I am our corps recruitment officer and our alliance recruiting head. I would love for you to stop by and have a chat.

i’m just gonne say this

1 Like

Hi VonFalkenhorst,

Guns-R-Us Toy Company is the founding Corp for Weapons of Mass Production. We have a standing fleet and regularly go on PvP roams.


We are an alliance that holds territory in Detorid with many quiet ratting systems. In addition there are many alliance moons and a full industry park. WOMP has bonused infrastructure to build everything including capitals. We are newbro friendly but do require a minimum of 30 days in game. We ask that our members have a mic and join in the defense of our systems. In Guns-R-Us real life always comes first so there is no mandatory fleet activity, but pvp is actively encouraged.

  • R64 moon mining

  • Ice Belts

  • A0 Anomalies - Isogen mining!

  • Alliance Industrial Park bonused for everything including capitals

  • Plenty of ratting space

  • PvP fleets with 100% SRP for Corp/Alliance fleets

  • Help in developing your isk making abilities

  • JF Service

  • Multiple competing buyback service

If you want to know more Join us on Discord

TSSCO has been around since 2008 ! Great members living in a busy are of Null, close to Lowsec and Hisec.

come give us a look !

Worth a look if you’re into small/med size stuff

Still looking.

eve mailed u in game

Hay bud my alliance live out in npc null and am looking for new pvp members to join my corp you will have plenty of pew pew and plenty of people to go and gank if you wish to do so
If you want to have a chat hit me up ingame or jump in our discord
Fly dangerous

This is my alliance 🚨 WANTED PVP CORPS UStz/EUtz

Hi there m8 and welcome back.

I run a small and independent pvp alliance out of pochven.

if you like a good challange then we might be a good option for you

If you want to talk some please join our discord below and just say Hi!


Noir. is a mercenary corporation that is looking to add more members to the mix.
As a line member, I’d call Noir. an extremely tight knit community. Pilots know eachother well. We hang out on comms, we laugh, we joke. We have strong friendship bonds that make this game fun to play!

Our daily content driver is FW PVP where we fight for the gallente militia. Our alliance, The Network, is one of the major players of the GalMil community.
Our bread and butter though is mercenary work. We fight the underdog fight, taking payed contracts to do what needs to be done, be it difficult, dirty, sneaky, or any combination thereof.
It is the ultimate culmination of the sandbox effect where we achieve actual player set goals who reached out to us and were willing to drop the cash to make it happen.

Our FC team is top knotch, our theorycrafters pull wizardry out of a hat to amend doctrines to the task at hand, and we work together as a giant cohesive unit to drop in deep behind enemy lines, dive in the darkest regions of WH space, or show up to defend against unlikely odds, but we come out on top and claim our hard earned isks.

There is no blue donut, you will not be a number in the mass. Noir provides a very rich smallgang PVP platform with daily fleets, exciting and unique content drivers to keep things fresh and a very mature group of friends who hang out to play this awesome videogame. (some of us for many decades)

If any of this sounds awesome, drop by our discord and come say hi. We’d love to have a chat with you and see if we can be a good match :slight_smile:

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