Returning Player - Pod in Trig space


So, lets clear up one thing that seems to be an issue here, CCP didnā€™t choose for Otela to fall, the players involved in fighting both for, and against the triglavians did, Otela was just on the list of systems randomly picked, and as the Triglavians won and the system happened to be a final liminality candidate it ended up converting to a Pochven system, so while youā€™re whining about CCP having done something be aware that players ultimately forced that particular system to fall

So if you want someone to actually blame for that system falling you should blame the people involved in the battle for that system, did RvB show up to defend it? if youā€™re the amazing PvPā€™ers you claim to be then when it went first liminality you would have had a field day with it being low-sec and you being able to attack people without concord response, but the question is, did you?

you can put that icon in your suitable place ā€¦and begin to read and learnā€¦ there is so many law suits ends up with these eula contracts clearly breaked by the court of law ā€¦

learn your rightsā€¦ dont be a Fanboy

Yes it happened 6 oclock like in the morningā€¦ we are most active in EU time zone and early Us time zone . Was the day in many EU countries first day of school opening and was my kids and many of my corp mates kids first day at schoolā€¦ My smallest boy "s officially first day at school as 0 class ā€¦
as soon as we are back we cooperate with Edencom forcesā€¦ also their FC is one of RvB s well knows veterans melkor valor ā€¦ Didnt work we have been late ā€¦ rest people were at work and they even didnt knew it ā€¦ My husband is in CEO in nul sec alliance and he had been on the way to his work ā€¦ and oh i forgot to sayā€¦ prior RVB management actually had been messing our assetes were in ichoria for low sec content . and they just retrieved after ichoria fall down into Trigsā€¦ We have mooved already 2 times ! WTF you talking about ?

Why are you trying to constantly blaming ??? what is your deal ???

what is your real problem ???

How about you stop internet lawyering and read your own content. This is not about actual laws, but their opinion about what should be done and the lack of laws. On top of that, no company can hope to be within the laws of every country of the world. They pick the ones that most of their business is in and work with those countries.

Companies can and do in many cases give the finger to countries that they donā€™t have nexus in.

Not only that, but none of your items were destroyed. They are still there.

your opinion is your opinionā€¦ we are talking about subject which effects and hammer large potential players retention rate

also EVe online havent pick the country ā€¦ they formed and builded there because they were icelandicā€¦ so pretty much i know the danish laws which Iceland laws also pretty parallel ā€¦ which makes it easy for me to see thorugh

Stop being fan boy and see through

What they did ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  up player retention ā€¦ thats straight !

FIrst off, systems didnā€™t fall in a moment, they fell over time so one day of some people not being there certainly did not cause the outcome. Secondly, I am not sure what you expectā€¦ for the whole game universe to pause because of your personal life?

system fall down to null sec around afternoon !!! it took just couple of hours while we are taking care of our kids !

That might explain a lot in regards to that system falling >.>

Not ā€œblamingā€ you as such, just pointing out youā€™re upset you have to deal with the repercussions of the fall of the system and that you seem to want to vent or blame CCP for something players caused

well i would say i had seen both edencom forcesā€¦ shield composition was miserable and actually we did far better than themm ā€¦ and also We were in melkors fleet since armor but shield fleet was there too ā€¦

so what is your point ???

CCP push the content ! IT was not Players arranged the invasion content ! players act on itā€¦ CCP paying results of their actions now ā€¦ !

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Considering Melkor didnā€™t even understand the mechanics of how the invasions worked i am going to press X to doubt, the armour fleet rarely formed up and even when they did they would linger for an hour before ā€œtaking a breakā€

There were a lot of issues with Melkor and his fleet in general

CCP added the conflict, they didnā€™t chose which systems fell, the players did, your issue seems to be with Otela specifically, which isnā€™t actually CCPā€™s fault, despite how much you would love for it to be

well so far actually he did understoood faar faar better than the other sideā€¦ and they were aware about that tooā€¦ its just they had been already go for shield and they couldnt made a u turn after that ā€¦ deal with itā€¦ and i had been the one who talk both sides leaders ā€¦ and they have never go into these kind of attitude of yoursā€¦ its pretty ugly ā€¦ whish you couldnt stop being a fan boy and come to terms ā€¦ but no way right ?

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they choose the which systems will fall ā€œICE SYSTEMSā€ ā€¦ these stuff havent been all random! right??? and someone whistle and some huuge amount of totally nonsense people land onto niarja dont make me laughā€¦ dont be so much naive ! Its only you believe these lies


You mean to the point he was arguing with CCP that the mechanics worked a certain way and they confirmed they didnā€™t and he refused to accept that an instead decided to ragequit the EDI discord and nuke an EDI ingame channel as an added bonus? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, he really really didnā€™t understand the mechanics in question

Actually the shield choice was a simple logistical one, lower skill requirements and higher damage potentials, its much easier to run a public fleet with shield than it is with armour, something Melkor found out due to him having a much harder time finding enough people to form a fleet, its the same reason most incursion public fleets were shield over armour, we had armour doctrines for low sec but we didnā€™t generally bother with fights in liminal systems once they fell that far because it generally wasnā€™t worth it due to the caldari rats being pretty much garbage

Oh wait i think i remember that conversation actually, it was you not making a massive amount of sense and Melkor totally blanking the whole conversation, yeah that was me you were dealing with waves you werenā€™t able to make much sense at the time with what you wanted people to do, i remember suggesting that 1 group take the minors, 1 group take the emergings and the other group take the roaming fleets, but considering Melkor didnā€™t even talk in that conversation at all its hardly surprising that we werenā€™t able to actually fight that system properly

Come to terms with what exactly? i came to terms with Pochven before it even happened as i could see what was happening, i adapted and i had 2 alts sat inside Pochven systems before the region was even formed, one of my alts has lived there ever since and iā€™m totally not the one maintaining the EDI website and Trig Tracker :stuck_out_tongue:

Ahh, so you donā€™t understand the mechanics of which systems went liminal, thats an easy mistake to make, it was actually the star type which defined if a system would progress to the liminal stages instead of just being a minor victory, did Melkor not explain this to you?

The systems that were attacked were chosen at random and not every liminal system fell to the trigs, if you refer to Triglavian Invasion Status - EDENCOM Defense Initiative youā€™ll see that we actually won 53 of the liminal candidate systems between us and the Serenity server while only losing 27, and thats before the large difference in edencom minors to trig minors

Niarja was mostly decided by the null sec blobs who decided they wanted to try and flip a system that would cause the most disruption if lost, so youā€™ll have to ask the goons about that as they contributed the most, i mean youā€™re free to believe its some sort of great big CCP conspiracy if that helps you sleep at night i guess

Considering you seem to be massively drinking from the kool-aid fountain Melkor provided and that you donā€™t even understand how the Liminal systems were chosen iā€™m not really sure youā€™re qualified to say iā€™m believing lies :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, i will stop hereā€¦ but you are serious enough blind to believe the only thing you knowā€¦

Yes probably we talkā€¦ and I have read all nonsense and was kinda sad you guys couldnā€™t even show kind of unity ā€¦

that was not only one side failure clean! thank you so much to be there and help us for defending Otela .
Iā€™m grateful for that ā€¦ even result was failiure ā€¦ But we had been already mooved RVB assets from prior management fromm Ichoriaā€¦ and they had been alreadsy ruined the traditionā€¦ Our reson to pull back to otela was bringing RVB to its traditional long decade home ā€¦ SO we hit not one time but two timesā€¦

we have sit with all spreadsheets system layouts provide us perfect diamond connection ā€¦ we check every system numbers and analyze them ā€¦ and as a result, there was no way out We talk to CCP and they suggest us to use one of EDENCOM systems ā€¦

what you dont know is ā€¦ how RVb works ā€¦ so rest of your all assumptions are inaccurate ā€¦ you giving example from yourself how you did itā€¦ im talking here about 2 coroprations with 70 thousands players recorded in the past 12 years and im talking about retention ratesā€¦

leave your ego aside and see the damageā€¦

we are not talking and arguing here how me and other players anre hanging out ā€¦ thanks we are good to provide to New Eden more content than the whole proven zone ā€¦

this is about player retention and how this affectsā€¦

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No iā€™m believing the thing we researched and observed along with the stars being the focus of the triglavian invasion, youā€™re free to think they cared about ice belts when they built things to harvest specific types of stars

EDI had unity for the most part, we had issues dealing with Melkor on account of him being incorrectly convinced he knew more than the rest of us despite even CCP telling him he was wrong, so yeah

So my assumptions that you should be able to adapt to change are incorrect, are you stating that youā€™re not able?

Sure and iā€™ve been here since 2004, so if we are trying to throw around the age card youā€™ve already lost, however age doesnā€™t mean much both from where iā€™m sitting and from where youā€™re sitting, and its not like we have public 3rd party graphs showing that the average online player count hasnā€™t really changed much in years or anything, so while it might hurt what you personally perceive the retention rate to be, thats all it is, because in the grand scheme of things the numbers havenā€™t really declined much recently so Pochven had no actual effect on it

Thats the thing, iā€™m not seeing any damage to the numbers

Here is the graph of the average playercount for the last year, please point to the massive retention issues youā€™re seeing

i think you are roleplaying as a salty miner

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How to read :joy: lets see

1 year average is34 k ā€¦ last 6 month average is 32k ā€¦ last 3 month average is 27 k playersā€¦

Stop copy paste that ā– ā– ā– ā–  i see it everwhere ā€¦ these are real average player numbers login to game ā€¦ how many of them stay and play really questionable. Only rvb give bad news to hundreds of red fed players ā€¦ and they refuse to pay to ccp and left without subā€¦ i have been the one always hosting them offered free fitted ships even unlimitedā€¦ but they were beyond pissed ā€¦ some of them i could convincenā€¦ what you expect me to do ? I was sad of course what i should say ?
? Say hundreds of people : go ā– ā– ā– ā–  yourself dont miss your preacious fits ? How much i can compansate CCPs ā– ā– ā– ā–  from my own budget to keep them ?

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There is literally nothing stopping them getting their ā€œprecious fitsā€ out of Pochven other than you apparently not wanting to deal with the logistics of teaching them and helping them

Yes, which is in line with normal activity, peaks and troughs, a concept you seem to ignore because if you look at the 5 year graph youā€™ll notice that, i mean you can claim there is a massive decline but iā€™m not sure anyone other than you is seeing it, i mean youā€™re free to think that losing a few RvB players is a massive loss to the community, because to you they are the most important people in the game, which is fine, but there is more to the game than your corner and my corner

Well given that the peak player count seem to be holding steady it doesnā€™t really mean much, the time of the year and the recent expansions will dictate what the playerbase looks like, but your claims that Pochven has caused a massive decline are very clearly false

Tell them that EVE is ever evolving and changing and its not going to appeal to everyone all of the time and that eventually they need to decide if its still the same game they came to love or not, if they donā€™t want to adapt to whatever the latest change in the game is then thats down to them, personally iā€™ve just adapted to Pochven like i have every single other change in the game that has affected me, every single nerf, every single ship rework, every change in the landscape, because adapting to change is part of what makes EVE interesting, stagnation isnā€™t interesting

Not your job, really those people should have been supporting themselves to some extent, donā€™t fly what you cannot afford to lose, its an EVE golden rule, have enough assets to recover from a loss, people were told to move assets out of Liminal systems, yes that might still catch returning players, but i would argue that if scanning down a WH and leaving the system or buying a cheap filament to leave Pochven is too hard for them and driving them away from EVE, then maybe EVE wasnā€™t the game for them in the first place, its no different to having someone login to find the citadel they used to live in was destroyed without asset safety