Revised EVE Activities & Careers Chart Project - Work in Progress

1st. I don’t believe anything you say.
2nd. If you really didn’t care, you wouldn’t have posted your reply to me.
3rd. Your reply has more salt in it than the Dead Sea.

As for your suggestion of just making it a jpg image for new players, those new players you’re so worried about will have to spend hours doing google search for the info whereas the current format contains links to the info.

Lastly, since you don’t like it, just make your own version of it in JPG format.


I don’t care what you think of me or others, no one really does here. I DO care about helping newbies and stated that if YOU’D care about helping newbies you should probably want the info to be out there for easy access. I know it’s difficult to use logic and reasoning for you.

The original has never been about giving deep and detailed info with links and everything. Literally no real newbie who came from other games or MMO’s is going to want to read a kind of thesis on what options he has, it needs to be easily glossed over, bite sized and easily accessible.

It has always been about “there is so much stuff to do, here’s a basic listing just to give you an idea for you to window shop through and find a direction that sounds cool to you”, nothing more and nothing less. That if they ended up in a rut and “pushed” (if only by themselves) into a specific play style (generally the boring ones) to have a peek and go “ooooooh” to open up pandora’s box and get hooked on something. Once they HAVE a direction to go in to, that’s where the details start to matter.

Helping newbies is partly about realising that people who play EVE tend to have a different mind set from the ones who don’t (yet) and that the only way to convert those newbies is to speak their language and meet them in the middle because burying them under spreadsheets, google sheets, PDF’s and formula’s while going “train these starter skills for the first 5 weeks” is just going to make them uninstall. You have to entice them and get them hooked before you can dump that on them.

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Less is more, a valuable life lesson.

For what it’s worth I do regularly help rookies find their feet in the game. I probably wouldn’t describe this activity as being “in the trenches” however because I don’t see helping people as some kind of war-like activity but I guess we all communicate in different ways.

Here I totally agree with you … hence why I’ve already said that with the final version, I will be taking a long long at the formats that I offer the chart in to make sure that it’s as accessible as possible to the maximum number of people. As I said earlier, I’m not averse to turning it into a JPG but I’d need to consider file size.

In terms of why I did pick PDF as the primary format for the chart, there are a few reasons for this:

  1. In terms of general accessibility, pretty much all computers come with some technological methodology for reading PDFs built in as standard (with no additional download needed, and if you do need to download a reader, it’s pretty easy, at least according to WikiHow).
  2. I knew fairly early on that I wanted to build in some interactivity to the chart and with PDF this is fairly straightforward.
  3. There are few advantages to using PDF over JPG (there’s a good list of pros/cons here) but I think in some ways it’s not an either/or situation, precisely because there are pros and cons, and again this is another reason that I will be looking at all file formats with the final version.

Again I totally agree with you.

I’m not into PvP or WH space for example and my knowledge is limited in both areas. To make sure that the chart is objective and truthfully reflects the diversity of available activities, I’ve tried my hardest to seek out opinions and input from people who do do this stuff (I contacted wormholers and gankers I know and also corps like Pandemic Horde for example).

I’d like to think I do genuinely care about rookies and they have been front and centre in my thoughts when I’ve been revising and designing the chart, but I’m also very mindful of the fact that for many veterans it also fulfils a need for pointers toward fun stuff that they can do in the game.

And lastly, the point of the hyperlinking is so that you can, if you like, just view the chart as text and as an infographic chart. However if you do want an additional level of detail available to you unobtrusively and subtly, then just by clicking on an activity you are presented with an informative source giving you in-depth information.



Yeah, just have two versions: one with all the details and one png or whatever that can easily be linked to through imgur or similar. Would be even better if CCP themselves would host it if only to give it more legitimacy. Just for people to have a peek at how many options there really are and to get a general idea.

Rookie chat can get rowdy :slight_smile:

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That’s how it looks at 100% zoom.

It’s not legible


That’s how it looks zoomed in, blurry and hard to read.

I converted it from pdf to png, works fine but it’d be better if it was like that from the author.

The problem is that as a file on your PC you can zoom in on it in full detail, but on a forum or elsewhere zoom is limited and it’s a problem.

It used to have better resolution, he’s done something to compress it.

(which he should undo)

The detail is there, just difficult to get to.

Looks like this to me:


I’m sure there’s a way to fix it, but it’s not my project.

Fair point and definitely something that I’ll seriously consider doing.

It can be but sometimes it’s a bit unnecessary. The diversity of players, how we play, what we do, what our aspirations are, what interests us, these are the things that make the game utterly compelling.

Case in point: I’m fairly bad at PvP but I still play a game that has a ton of PvP in it. Lots of people will exclaim what the heck at this point, and in truth, I used to think I was a bit weird too until I read a rather brilliant book ‘Internet Spaceships Are Serious Business - An EVE Online Reader’, which comes highly recommended by the way.

Within the book there’s an interesting essay entitled “The Art of Selling Trust” written by @Chribba. I read this and realised, cripes, I play a bit like that too.

Diversity is what makes us strong and I hope we never lose sight of that.


Why does it refer to “griefing”, when you are talking about ganking?

You know those aren’t the same thing, right?

Well, it’s important to make the distinction that PvP stuff is generally equivalent to griefplay, right? We wouldn’t want to steer new players toward making the wrong decision when starting out in the game, after all. I mean, who’d want to be a griefer willingly? Not me, so sirree bob, I’m an honest injun.

yeah that would be wrong think, which is to be suppressed.

I don’t really have anything against the OP, but knowing who they actually are, there’s no doubt in my mind that they’d use the modicum of influence they get from this sort of community project to push their personal perspectives. While I don’t think it’s blatant, intentional bias, it’s at the very least a conscious lack of bias consideration, despite claims to the contrary. And it’s critical to call out bias in a setting that’s maintained for the express purpose of influencing the most vulnerable, inexperienced individuals.

But it’s okay. Let them keep fighting the good fight. After all, what this game desperately needs more of is new players mining Veldspar in their Ventures in 0.9 systems for 3 weeks, before realizing that their $20 is better spent on Twitch donations to their favorite titty streamers.

@Mu_ad_Diib mission griefing is one thing
Ganking is another. Griefing in my opinion should not be on the chart simply because it doesnt happen enough to warrant it.

Griefing that does happen and is an exploit (though not sure exactly how much it happens) is narrowed down to rookies and their starter systems within 30 days of creation.

Actual mission griefing doesnt happen enough to warrant the inclusion.

Ganking is not the same thing.

Not sure where you’ve been but there’s a lot more ‘Rookie’ systems than just the starter systems… There’s a total of 35 systems to be exact…

Heh, do you have any official CCP statements to support that claim?

Doesn’t really matter anyway so no need to reply, especially since the forum gang-bang griefer squad has now migrated into this thread.


It’s a pity isn’t it? As always, thanks for your support. I do genuinely appreciate it.

I always try to be polite in my replies (not that you haven’t been) but I try hard not to feed trolls because it just encourages them.

CCP have been really supportive about what they feel about the chart and this has included GMs which I find very grounding, in addition to this positive feedback from players like you keeps me going.

Haters will hate, this is life, but it’s way too short to become consumed by them or to waste your time feeding them. Have a great day @DeMichael_Crimson.


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Yeah, you’re 100% correct…

Anyway, looking forward to seeing the final version.

Thanks for keeping us informed…

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Your chart looks great @Mu_ad_Diib Hopefully it will help lots of new players make up their mind, given the right dissemination.
I’d like to have it on my wall soon but take your time to finish all the details, don’t rush it.
I love to say this when it’s true: Good job!

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