Revised EVE Activities & Careers Chart Project - Work in Progress

I agree, trolls like Emotional, Epeen, and Cilly (retired) work really hard in the forums, and their gamestyle deserves a box! Low risk, low reward!

Thanks for the post. Having said this…

I haven’t really started to work on this project, I’ve been working on it for just over a year, and so far I’ve poured a lot of time and energy, blood, sweat and tears into it.

I’ve re-designed, refined and recreated all of the structural architecture using Adobe Illustrator to created a multi-layered, dynamic chart that is going to allow for a complete master chart and several stand alone genre extractions of the main chart.

All of the elements on the chart have been positioned to an accuracy of ± 1/10mm. There are 23 layers, 241 object groups (most of which have around 32 individual graphical elements in them).

So far there are around 7,712 individual graphical elements within the chart which has entailed a LOT of work. By the time that I’ve finished this will have grown to at least 9,748 individual graphical elements.

In addition, most of the category, specialism, sub-specialism and career path boxes will eventually hyperlink to other online resources making it much more than the sum of its parts.

— – - – —

A friend of mine who is also a graphic designer told me once that in order to be a good designer it was virtually a personality requirement to have an obsession for detail and accuracy up to the point of this being diagnosable OCD. I think this is probably pretty accurate, up to a point anyway.

The chart is possibly the best and most complex bit of graphic/infographic design that I’ve ever created and because of the massive amount of work that I’ve put into the chart, I’m not really tempted to give it away for someone else to take it forward and (potentially) take the credit for it.

I say this with with no intended disrespect to you (at all), but having put in the effort that I have, I think I want to finish it as I started, eg: me doing the work.

Having said this, once a first draft is finished, the plan is to involve several player pilots in a review panel to look over the draft and critique it before it finally goes ‘live’. If you did want to participate in this I’d be more than happy to involve you. How does that sound?


The chart needs a dice for random play.

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That’s actually quite a cool idea, some kind of random play suggestion generator, although I’m not sure that it could be achieved using Adobe Illustrator.


It looks great, @Mu_ad_Diib :slightly_smiling_face: Congratz. You have been working on that for a while now, right?
When is it going to be finished?
Is CCP going to use it ?


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Thanks @Fifi_Brin_D_acier.

It has been a really hard slog in places - the work is detailed and demands accuracy and way too often, like most people I suspect, I find juggling my time on the project and family/work/life pressures really difficult.

I have reached out to CCP (ideally I’d like the devs/GMs to give it the once over/critique it when it’s finished) but as yet nothing firm is in place. I have had some confidential internal feedback that has been very positive so that’s a good sign, I think.

In terms of a timeline, I’m definitely aiming to finish it this year.



That’s good. I do hope it’s a good sign. You’re doing an great job on it. Would be a shame to let it go to waste.

Can’t wait! It’s really good work.

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Thanks for the encouragement, I do genuinely appreciate it.

There’s no chance of it going to waste. It will get published and it will be (or at least this is my intention) freely available and downloadable for any player pilot who wants it.

When it’s finished, if, somehow, it became as ubiquitous to game as the utterly brilliant Ore Table by Cerlestes, and it is a a big if, well, that would be beyond all my imagining but simultaneously deeply awesome.



That is simply awesome.

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Absolutely no offense taken, I was simply trying to avoid redundancy. The universe could do with multiple takes on the issue.


Thanks. I appreciate the respect which comes right back at you by the way.


Make it into an NFT (foldable perhaps).

Some more progress made…

Sections now finished:

Volunteering, Out-Of-Game, In-Game, Education – 32 separate career activity cards.

Extraction, Hauling, Production, Market – 38 separate career activity cards.

Wormholes, Exploration, Ratting, Incursions – 19 separate career activity cards.

Missions, High-Sec Space, Piracy, Solo, Scamming, Anti-Piracy – 40 separate career activity cards.

In progress.


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Almost there … really!

The chart is very close to being finished now, from a layout perspective anyway, so I just had a play around with adding hyperlinks.

The plan is that, in addition to the straightforward readable information on each career card, they’ll be interactive and clicking on them will take you so a website providing additional useful information.

I can’t upload PDFs to the forum there’s now a small 10Mb file on WeTransfer which I’d like people to download and play with. Here’s the link: Careers Chart - In Progress Draft 2.

I know that capsuleer pilots use a bunch of different computers … Windows, Linux and even Macs (yeah, I know this is heresy to some people but there you go…). If you can download the PDF and check that it works for you I’d be really grateful. Thanks.

To save the thread from getting clogged with “It worked for me” messages there’s a mini poll beneath this, which can capture the results, just remember to vote in both polls please.

I use a …
  • Mac computer
  • Windows computer
  • Linux computer
  • A computer system that’s not listed above

0 voters

Did the PDF file work?
  • It worked
  • It didn’t work

0 voters

Thanks for your continuing help and positive comments with this project guys. I genuinely appreciate it and it helps to keep me going.


What should we be seeing in the PDF to compare against to know if it worked?

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You should be able to click on the cards to bring up a website.


Windows 10, it works clicking the cards bringing you to the related E-uni articles. Note that I use Firefox to view the .pdf and it opens in the same browser.


Small update:

I’m just doing the final QA checks on the chart - double checking basically everything, but particularly things like, that the keylines are all 0.8pt, that all boxes are all 8.312mm apart horizontally, 4.485mm apart vertically (yes, I really was that accurate!).

Once I’ve finished this I need to get the hyperlinks in and then, it’ll be ready for the review panel to look over.

We are getting there, honest!


Works on Win 10 using Foxit PDF reader.

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Hey there!

Sorry for not appearing here sooner. I won EVE a long time ago, but after having my chart being featured at Fanfest earlier today, I received a few mentions about it, and then this project.

It’s nice that there are projects like these to keep The Chart alive and, most importantly, updated!

Did you know my chart is just an iteration of a previous chart? Named “EVE Online Career Paths” I believe. At the time, I made my version because the previous one started to get seriously outdated, and because I thought I could present more information, better. And now it’s your turn to take it to the next cycle :slight_smile:

Fly safe!