It is done.
Well, the first (Beta) draft anyhow.
Wow. On some levels I can’t quite believe it because it was such a massive slog to get to this point, but I finally got there.
Copies of the chart and the release notes have now gone off to the members of the review panel by email, as well as to some people I know in CCP for their constructive criticism and feedback. (tagging the people who I know are on here just so that they know to check their inboxes … @Mike_Azariah, @Altrue, @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras, @Han_Zealot)
Once I get this feedback back there’ll most likely be a further series of amendments, and another draft, based on the feedback, before I finally upload a final version (most probably to Dropbox) for public download.
When this goes ‘live’ the plan is to have the following available as downloadable resources:
A interactive PDF version of the Eve Online Career Chart
In PDF format with clickable hyperlinks that are relvant to the section of chart that you’re on;
Extracts of the five genre headings as interactive PDFs
Separate PDFs for each career genre: PvE, PvP, Industry, Corporations/Alliances and Community;
Poster Size Printable PDF
A version of the chart as a high resolution PDF - good for printing out yourself and/or taking to the local print shop, should you want something cool/awesome for your wall.
An RTF list of all the hyperlinks in the interactive chart
I really created this as a way of managing the hyperlinks as I was including them, but recognising that some people might want to download the printable version but still be interested in the links, it makes sense to make this available for download too.
In terms of why it’s taken this long to get to this point, can I blame real life for getting in the way? On top of the fact that I figured if I was going to do the project, I wanted to do a really good job of it, and I think I may have just done this, in the end.
There are around 9,748 individual graphical elements in the chart along with as many hyperlinked boxes. The links go to brilliant webpages that all pilots in New Eden are going to find helpful - Eve University, CCP Info sites, YouTube videos - hopefully it’ll really be worth the wait.
Thank you to everyone who has given me support so far on this project. Like I said, at times it really has been a slog but the fact that you had my back has meant the world to me, and the positive comments and support have really helped to keep me going.
Just a little while longer guys and we’ll be there…