RGC for CSM 18

Sadly, truth and clarity are well outside your wheelhouse. What you are offering is actually referred to as spin. For those who aren’t familiar, according to Wikipedia, spin is described as:

In public relations and politics, spin is a form of propaganda, achieved through knowingly providing a biased interpretation of an event or campaigning to influence public opinion about some organization or public figure. While traditional public relations and advertising may manage their presentation of facts, “spin” often implies the use of disingenuous, deceptive, and manipulative tactics.

Since knowing what you oppose is as important as knowing what you support, I think it is only fair for the people to know what we are really about. The Hek Mining Association is simply a public NPSI mining/ganking organization that focuses on helping new players develop an understanding of the rules and culture of Eve Online in a casual and supportive environment. While our play style could rightfully be described as “Join or Die”, in truth it is closer to “Join and learn how to survive” rather than “Join or we will kill you”. We certainly reserve the right to murder anyone outside of our fleets but we tend not to go out of our way for it.

Like most such bullies, RGC Godfather makes a habit of speaking and deciding for other people. Although he likes to imply that he has some kind of greater support, Nebula Industries and Frozen Assets is one of the HMAs oldest and strongest supporters. In fact, most of the people in Nebula found their way there from one of our many public fleets. The truth is that any issues that our regulars have is with RGC and RGC alone due to his history of actively working against us and spreading false and derogatory statements about both our organization and the members. You can see many such examples right here in this very thread so the truth is readily visible.