Risk / Reward in Suicide Ganking out of Order?

Those are not ‘Ad hominem’ arguments either. Go look it up.

But you agree that something has to change in order for it to be balanced, right?

I did, They are. You are making Ad hominem attacks. Go look it up yourself.

That seems obvious, if things are out of balance, then something needs to change to get in balance.

As yet, you’ve not determined what that thing is.

Why do you keep avoiding the questions about remorse and empathy?

Oy, go look up red-herring.


I told you. I have no remorse for dishonest arguers like you.

I did. I didnt commit any red herring arguments. You did commit ad hominem attacks, though. Go look up Ad Hominem.

Your bias is exposed again. Might want to cover that up.

Yet you keep coming back for more. How come?

I just proved you were wrong. So yes, I am biased towards the truth. Nothing wrong with that.

Because im a nice guy.

You are sadly amusing. Where did you prove I wanted to change the game? Oh that’s right, you’ve done no such thing.

A nice guy wouldn’t avoid letting everyone know if they felt any remorse or not, but you do everything you can to avoid the subject. Why?

I answered whether i felt remorse or not, like 10 posts ago. How is that avoiding anything?

Me: Post something.
You: “Youre avoiding posting it!!!”
Me: Lolwtf

Not a single one of those suggests a change to the game. Not one. That was your original claim, you have failed and will continue to fail. Feel free to shift the goals posts around as much as you want, make stuff up, equivocate as much as you can. All you’re doing is exposing your self for who and what you are.

Please continue. And by all means,. please continue to avoid any mention empathy or remorse. So far the only thing you’ve said on the subject is “I have no remorse for dishonest arguers like you.” which is just an evasion.

Why are you so scared of letting everyone here know if you have any feelings of empathy or remorse for victims?

Oh, so instead of changing the game, you were suggesting changing… What, the laws of physics?

This is why youre such a dishonest arguer.

Id ask you to explain why you think its an evasion when you asked me if i have any empathy or remorse, and I wrote that i have none for you.

But I already know that all you have are assertions.

I told you, i have no remorse for you, and you are certainly a victim. As for remorse or empathy for victims, depends. Which victim? Each circumstance is different.

Here it is again, the original question that you keep doing all you can to avoid:

“Do you feel any empathy or remorse for the victims of the multi-boxing solo player?”

You’re making my argument for me. Thanks for the assistance.

Again, which victim?

Do i feel any empathy or remorse for a guy in a 10 billion isk jump freighter hauling 100 billion isk that gets ganked because he was afk in Niarja space by a multiboxing solo player? No.

Do I feel any empathy or remorse for you, a dishonest arguer? No.

So you finally admit you’ve no remorse for those other players. See how easy that was?

Thank you for showing everyone what you are.

The only argument youve made is an argument that you suck at making arguments.

So yes, Ive made your argument for you. It took your opponent to make your argument for you, therefore proving that you suck at making arguments.

Youre welcome.