Rookie Griefing Policy was updated Monday

I still love the salt. I’ve never run into your alliance in game, sorry. Keep the rage coming though.


^ Dude is projecting.

And…back to trolling to try and hide the delicious salty tears

This and more at

no thanks, we got enough tears for the week from you already

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Now that’s out of the way, thanks for this salt

Rookie griefing is still not a policy that’s accepted within CODE.
And it will stay that way (no matter how hard you try)

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HAAAAAHAHAHA Do they not know about zkill? Carebears… lol

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You’re taking a thread where CODE’s responding seriously?

You silly goat.

It’s awesome to know you were so annoyed you had to go through my killboard for this though

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hardly surprising they were annoyed
thats what youre trying to do
youre the biggest troll on the forum
always pretending to be dumber than is humanly possible just to annoy people

Serious question, what made you break from your roleplaying that made you start out with so much salt in this thread?

Serious question from this carebear to you. You’re better than this, come on man.

“Anyone who disagrees with me is a troll”

-JC Mieyli, August 2017


funny to see “l33t structure bashers” comment on stuff they know nothing about, kinda cute too XD

Says someone who apparently has never left HS. Take the training wheels off already. I believe in you.

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the ignorance is showing, just get out lol

disagree with what
only point i made was that you are a troll
this is exactly what im talking about

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I’d pat you on the head and give you a cookie if I could. You’re trying so hard here.

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pot meet kettle

back on subject or gtfo


Why am I a troll? I think carebears who never leave HS are funny, PvE’ers and gankers alike.

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agreed, Galaxy Pig should have stayed on subject and not started talking about ganking freighters and trolling to cover up his whining earlier in this thread.

Thanks for reaching out to him to make sure this thread gets back on track.

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Getting forum threads back on track? Nice joke. Also, TIL code still exists (to be fair not much chance for me to bump into them as a wormholer)

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