Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

Mimiko slid her data pad across the office desk, “Val, isn’t this the guy we’re working with from the Intaki Prosperity Initiative?”
Valerie gasped, “yes, that’s Bataav right there. That’s… interesting. I wonder how he will react. He has always made it clear he’s not interested in running for office.”

Verified Viriette: ‘Draft Bataav’ grass-roots campaign emerges from protests against Intaki Assembly

Navyii Akat, Intaki V, YC121 October 2 - As protests spread against the Intaki Assembly for negotiating a lease on the Kainta Yavaat Transorbital Launch Facility with the Lai Dai Corporation, an unlikely figure is focusing public attention in a positive way.

After allegations surfaced that Assembly members had been paid off by Lai Dai Corporation in connection with the controversial lease, a budding ‘draft Bataav’ movement seems to be gathering momentum among the protesters.

The slogan refers to Bataav en Gravonere, a capsuleer noted for his humanitarian and cultural activism as well as his long-standing advocacy for Intaki independence from the Federation. A small but growing fraction of protesters want him to run for office in the upcoming round of elections, though they are unable to agree among themselves whether they wish him to join the Intaki Assembly, the Viriette District Legislature, or the Federal Senate.


“I’m sick and tired of money-grubbing politicians, all the way from Roden down to the Assembly,” railed Bryylan en Welle, a local artist holding a placard he had printed off from GalNet. “They are there to represent us and what do they do? Stuff their pockets with blood money, that’s what. We need someone of integrity like Bataav instead.”

En Gravonere was unavailable for comment, but a spokesperson for the Intaki Prosperity Initiative referred to his most recent public comments where he said he doesn’t consider himself a politician.