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Hueromont Herald - 24.04.121

Shooting outside the Vherokior Community Centre

Seven people dead and more injured as shooters opened fire earlier today outside the Vherokior Community Centre in Old Hueromont. The target was capsuleer Mizhir Devara, known for the New Texel project. Dr Devara’s personal security force, known as the Revenants, quickly dealt with the attackers killing six of them before they retreated. One bystander stuck in the crossfire has been declared dead and a few more have been injured. Footage shows Dr Devara herself was struck by Three bullets but was brought into safety in her shuttle. Her status is still unknown.

The shooters were allegedly a Mannar street gang however the motivation for the attack remains unknown. Speculations suggest that Devara’s presence in the city also extends to the black market, thus making this an attempt to scare her off. According to the Vherokior Community Centre Devara was on her way there to talk with the Mystic council about projects to improve the health of lower-class Vherokiors in the city.

Two of the Revenants guarding the outside of the Vherokior Community Centre as technicians are working on the crimescene

We have been unable to reach Dr Devara, however her lawyer has given the following statement:

“It is a sad day for all of us. An innocent woman was killed one her way to her daily meditation in the temple and several more injured. Mizhir expresses her deepest sympathy for the victims of this horrible attack and she will cover the medical expenses and help the family left behind of the woman who was killed. In addition, she condemns the actions of these shooters and would instead offer a dialogue with them, so no more blood will be spilled.”

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