Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

A video of a young Sebiestor woman, known as The Wraith, has been posted on the GalNet. In the video she is speaking loudly and with passion.

Yesterday’s attack was not just an attack against Mizhir Devara, Alaya Razha, and the Vherokior Community Centre. It was an attack against the Tribes – against all of us!

These fascists want us out of this city. But we must stand together and show them that this is our city too!

We must show them that if they attack a Tribe, we will all stand together. We will defend our brothers and sisters of the other Tribes. United we are strong!

I, The Wraith, will raise my weapon and fight for the Tribes! Are you with me?

She raises her rifle and cheers can be heard in the background before the video ends.

Hueromont Herald 25.04.121

Mizhir Devara shows herself in public for the first time following yesterday’s attack

Capsuleer Mizhir Devara who was the target for yesterday’s attack has just held her first press conference after yesterday’s attack.

Footage of Mizhir standing on the docks at Hueromont harbour with Radiant in the background. She has visible scars and new cybernetics on her face and her left eye is cybernetic. A bandage is covering from her left temple to just above her left ear.

Yesterday an attack was directed at me. As You may have heard I was struck by some of their projectiles. I was injured but I got the right medical help in time and I am fine now. I would like to thank you all for your concerns.

Unfortunately, I was not the only victim of this attack. Alaya Razha, a mother of 3, was on her way to the Temple when she was hit by a stray bullet from the attackers. My heart was filled when sorrow when I heard about this, and I encourage you all to pray for her family. Her children have lost their dear mother and her husband lost his soulmate. I will never be able to replace Alaya but I will do what I can to help them get through this and I will make sure that the children will have what they need in order to have a good childhood.

Attacks like this will cause much tension. But I will encourage everyone to keep your heads cool. Too much blood has already been spilled, so hear my appeal: Do not attempt to seek out vengeance.

The footage ends and then news announcer continues.

It appears that Mizhir Devara has recovered quickly from the attack. However, the cybernetics could be a sign that she has been substantially injured. In addition, this is the first time for many years that she has had short hair. Could this have a deeper meaning or was it just a practical choice?

Reports from Hueromont Central Hospital say that the remaining victims of the attack are stable. Dr Devara has already stated that she will be covering the medical expenses.

We have attempted to get a statement from Hueromont Police Department but so far they have no comments.

((Art credit: