Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

The following holo-cast news segment from Primetime Peccanoute might be rebroadcast by channels covering neighbouring constellations and possibly even further afield.

Poteque Pharmaceuticals’ stations formerly neighbouring Ignebaener overwhelmed by refugee crisis
Primetime Peccanouette, Attyn, 07/11/122

An interstellar map showing the system of Ignebaener connected by stargates to the systems of Attyn and Lisbaetanne is distorted as Ignebaener and the stargates start to blink. A baritone voice with Mannari inflections speaks, “These are the gates through which the population of Ignebaener tried to flee…” The blinking lines on the map evaporate, showing Ignebaener now cut off from its neighbours before the system itself fades to a shadow, leaving Attyn and Lisbaetanne highlighted. “Weeks later, this is where many of those lucky enough to escape still languish in precarious circumstances.”

The map is replaced with a view slowly approaching the exterior of a station that gleams in the forest colours of Essence’s nebula. “Many of the refugees from Ignebaener were deposited here at the Poteque Pharmaceuticals’ station at Attyn V, Moon 13 or her sister at Lisbaetanne I, Moon 1. With the large population centres on Ignebaener V falling to Triglavian control well before the final demise of the system, the majority of those seeking refuge on Poteque’s stations came from the smaller scientific and prospecting colonies on Ignebaener’s barren third and sixth planets.”

The footage cuts to an interior shot of a cavernous hangar, the camera drifting slowly above a mass of temporary shelters that occupies almost every flat surface in the vast space. The view tightens in on an open area, where crowds huddle dejectedly around an enormous notice board covered with column after column of names. “Poteque is ill-equipped to deal with this crisis and we have confirmed that its most influential (and notorious) shareholder, the Serpentis Corporation, has stepped in to administer and supply this refugee camp and a similar one on Poteque’s Lisbaetanne station.”

The camera shifts to a close up of a middle-aged woman with Jin Mei features. “They’ve been amazing. Everything works now and we feel safer. Before they took over, there wasn’t enough to go around and some people were stealing from the vulnerable. There were even some killings… They put a stop to all of that and right away! I just wish I knew where next. We can’t stay here forever but we’ve lost everything. How do you even start rebuilding? I’ve heard some people talk about them helping us with a move to Covryn VII or even Stoure IX. I wouldn’t mind. An ice planet sounds great after 10 years on a barren and now this!”

The camera returns to an aerial view of the refugee camp as the reporter’s voice resumes, “These rumours match our investigation of statements by the Serpentis and Intaki Syndicate Space Police that they are cooperating to relocate war refugees. It appears that there may be plans to move some of the population originally from the scientific colony on Ignebaener III to planets in Placid and Solitude with Poteque stations in orbit. Quite why remains unclear but it has long been rumoured that Poteque works on Federal Government projects and we have received unconfirmed suggestions that the scientific colony on Ignebaener III was funded by Poteque and conducting research for the Federal Intelligence Office. It may be that the Serpentis are keen to resurrect their subsidiary’s Ignebaener III operation elsewhere and the Intaki Space Police are well placed to deliver this, given the locations concerned and their position as an intermediary eager to demonstrate reliability with a view to the Intaki security franchise award. Whatever the motivations behind this relocation effort, it would surely ease the strain on the Poteque stations in Attyn and Lisbaetanne and improve the lives of those refugees remaining.”

The footage concludes with a close up of the mournful list of names pinned to the noticeboard at the heart of the camp.