Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

Hueromont Herald

BREAKING: Business mogul Wen Zhelan kidnapped from his home

The Jin-Mei business mogul Wen Zhelan has been kidnapped form his home in new Hueromont. The police reports that a small group of armed men infiltrated the Zhelan tower, breached Wen’s private quarters, and shot down his security forces, before escaping with him. His whereabout and condition is still unknown.

Hueromont Police arriving at Zhelan Tower

The identity of the kidnappers remains a mystery and so does their motivation. There are already rumours circulating that it is connected to the current gang wars but that has been no signs of Jin-Mei groups being involved. The Hueromont Police has neither confirmed nor denied these rumours but are currently investigating the incident.

Do you know anything about this? Send us information and you can get paid!

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