Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

A broadcast from one of the countless news stations on Lirsautton V

Sitting behind an emerald green desk, the news anchor was staring directly into the camera with a neutral expression on his face. Behind him a live video was projected, showing the bustling streets of a city. As he spoke, his voice was tinged with practiced concern.

“Three days after the newly built Sedevacantist church has opened its doors to the public, a bomb was found planted inside the building. The rapid response of the police ensured that the surrounding streets were vacated, and hours after their arrival the threat was eliminated. The official statement released by the government exclaimed that the explosive device was a fake. According to specialists the bomb had all the makings of a real threat, but lacked critical components in order for it to explode. Instead, a recording was found embedded inside its system. A scrambled voice message saying the words ‘go home’ would have played the moment the device had been triggered.
Authorities ensured that the investigation would take top priority and apologized to Jamasp Peroz, the reverend of the Sedevacantist Church here on Lirsautton V. Our reporter David Spare is at the scene. David. How is the current situation?

The live video projection came into focus and replaced the whole screen. A reporter, standing in front of the Sedevacantist church could be seen.

“Thank you”, he began, turning his attention away from the building towards the surrounding streets. A camera drone shifted its angle to follow his motion, showing countless citizens and tourists going about their day. A moment later it turned back towards David.

“As you can see, normality has returned to this part of the city, although additional security forces are now guarding the church. I interviewed some of the locals this morning and what their thoughts are on this truly disturbing incident. Here is what I gathered.”

The live-feed was cut and replaced by another video, showing the reporter with a middle-aged woman. He opened by asking her about the bomb scare and she replied in a firm voice that whoever was responsible for this should be behind bars. She continued by saying that vacating the streets probably cost her quite the revenue of the day before the interview was abruptly cut and replaced with another one. This time showing a younger pair. They both exclaimed their initial views on the affair, but while one was of the belief that spreading the word of the Sedevacantist religion was horrible, the other defended the notion of freedom of religion. Before short the pair was having a loud argument and the video cut again, this time replaced with an interview of a father and his adolescent son. While the older one tried to stay as neutral as possible with his statements, the young one only nodded absent-mindedly now and then, being more focused on his hand-held device.
A few more dozen interviews were played. Every time opinions differed here and there, making it difficult to find a certain common ground between all the interviewees. Eventually, the video ended and was replaced with the live-footage, showing David Spare again.

“As you can see”, he said, wearing a practiced smile. “Opinions are as varied as the people living in the federation. "And”, he continued, his voice taking on a more dramatic tone. “This is what makes us great as a people. As part of the Gallente federation. Individuality. Liberty. Freedom of choice. And with that”, he began to close, his teeth as perfect as his smile. “Back to the studio.”