On Denouncing the Evil that is Sedevacantism in the Federation
[This speech has been broadcasted to local member states in Lamadent, Thelan and Lirsautton as well as any other services in areas with a Sedevacantist presence. Capsuleers with an interest in that or in Mantel himself may receive it.]
To my fellow countrymen and women of Lamadent, Thelan, Lirsautton and whomever else may hear these words in the greater Federation, we have before us a great peril that would seek to undermine everything that we stand for.
I of course speak in respect to Sedevacantism and the attempts of those that would seek to destroy the ideals that we hold dear to our hearts, to permeate the communities of Lamadent, Thelan and Lirsautton with their infectious rhetoric. I have been gravely concerned with the ongoing situation across numerous worlds in which threats of violence and murder have been made between our fellow citizens, such as the recent bombing threat made in Lirsautton and the standoffs in Lamadent.
We in the Federation are fortunate enough to enjoy the rights and freedoms guaranteed to us by the Federal Charter and Constitution that lay the foundation of our societies. That we can choose our identities and affiliations freely and without persecution defines the tolerance that is at the heart of our interstellar community. It draws untold numbers to our shores each year seeking refuge, a place where they can feel comfortable being who they are, or those that want a fresh start. Amongst their ranks are the Minmatar, some of the most staunch and stalwart defenders of personal liberty in the cluster. A proud and honourable people, some of whom I have the pleasure to know as friends and several close to my heart whom I love dearly. A people that have willingly rendered their invaluable support to our Federation in the Civil and Military Service in defence of our freedom and way of life. They make the Federation stronger, as do all our member nations.
This unique experiment amongst New Eden is precisely why we all must be ever vigilant against those that would take no greater pleasure in seeing the beacon of liberty snuffed out in favour of the tyrannical and oppressive powers. We shall never willingly accept those that would seek to impose their ways without the agreed consent of the people, and the Sedevacantist movement is yet another means that the enemies of liberty and justice utilise against us all.
Those that align themselves with this profoundly alien and anti-Federal movement disgrace not only themselves and their own honour, but that of their families and the wider community to which we all belong. No-one born into this Federation can possibly call themselves an upstanding citizen by aiding and abetting the Sedevacantist cause – they are an embarrassment to what we as the Union stands for and deserve nothing but contempt. To those amongst the Sedevacantists that hear my words, understand this: you are enemies of the Federation. You do not act in its best interests, nor do you act for the communities you supposedly stand for. End your support whilst you still can and ask for forgiveness. There is still a way back for you all.
I therefore call upon you all as a fellow citizen, as someone who supports this Federation and the vision that all of us stand as one, as equals amongst one another, with an appeal to resolutely reject the vile lies propagated towards you by the Sedevacantists. Challenge vigorously the preachers who would see our democracy and society brought to ruination. Take care to convince those that flirt with or have been seduced by their words that their path is wrong and that they will only alienate themselves from our communities. As I proclaimed in my address for Federation Day, let it be that our love for one another and for our principles of tolerance and equality triumph over hatred and supremacism.
I would also plead with those that have righteously protested the Sedevacantist movement to avoid violence at all costs. It may seem to be the easy, simple solution, but all it will do is deepen the divisions within our society and harden their resolve to continue their dastardly ways. For those that commit violence upon their fellow citizen, it is akin to Crossing the Stomeve: it is the point of no return. Those that do so will live with a permanent stain on their conscience. Defend yourselves from their transgressions where you must, refrain from being the aggressor. Remember, our opposition is based around the respect for and the sanctity of life – when we take it, we scuttle everything that we stand for.
Have faith in the system. Continue protesting the Sedevacantist Church. Hold the Federation to account where it needs to be but know that we are doing everything we can to bring an end to this evil that afflicts us all. Justice will be done, and it will be resounding.
For Liberty and Justice. Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit.