Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

Glass Plant Manager and Daughter Disappear en Route to Poitot

LA HARROULETTE, a daily system news service distributed from Harroule IV in Placid, reports the following:

Social media posts and CONCORD data suggest that there is capsuleer danger to routine planetary traffic. A routine shuttle named “Limnae” from a FedMart storage facility orbiting Harroule VIII Moon 5 and departing at 20:35 failed to arrive on schedule or at any time subsequent. Passenger roster included materials manager Imidane Rache-Pulaj, with an accompanying related minor, and we have been alerted to multiple pleas from Rache-Pulaj’s social media accounts shortly thereafter, featuring the tags #hijack, #concordhelp, and #luneshelpme. System records reflect a minor uptick in capsuled-craft traffic, and stargate use shortly after shuttle departure.

We have as yet been unable to determine the ultimate fate of the “Limnae” shuttle, its passengers, or crew. If you become aware of any developments, we hope you will think of LA HARROULETTE first.