Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!


Outrage has been sparked among inhabitants of Athounon VI over the alleged kidnapping of war correspondent Porat Ramachaux by Taayusaka security forces.

Following the landing and territorial claims of the capsuleer-led State Protectorate corporation, prior to the so called “Serthoulde Campaign”, Taayusaka Eskeitan has been the target of intense criticism for their blatant militarization and aggressive expansion, all under the flimsy guise of lawful resource exploitation operations as covered under Capsuleer “PI” regulations.

With FEDMILCOM and GALFEDCINC’s controversial suspension of the Yulai Accords within the system, orders for the removal of the renegade ‘Kigurosaka Complex’ have been reported to be issued to Federal Marine units stationed on the planet, who have since been locked in a stalemate with occupying Taayusaka forces.

Mr. Ramachaux was allegedly in the middle of investigating rumors of substantial orbital traffic to and from the military complex when he was apprehended by corporate security forces, under whose custody he presumingly remains. What little information he managed to transmit prior to his capture has sparked significant concern, citing “mass minelaying”, “extensive deployment of DADDI systems” and the “use of radiological and chemical weapons in scorched earth operations” within Taayusaka-occupied territory.

Demonstrations protesting “Federal inaction” have flared up in surrounding cities, urging the garrisoned units to intervene before the corporate forces retreat off-world.