Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

YC125.09.28 // ATHOUNON VI

After over a month of sieging, the Federal city of Cieléclat has reportedly been overran by security forces belonging to Taayusaka Eskeitan, with what remains of the defending garrison reportedly making a last ditch evacuation attempt through enemy lines.

Reports around the evacuation are conflicting and unverified, though footage of heavy fighting and mounting casualties within the city itself have surfaced.

Cieléclat is a relatively small metropolis located south of Athounon VI’s equator, primarily supported by its heavy industry. The tide of battle was allegedly turned following a coordinated strike between corporate forces and agitator saboteurs operating from within Cieléclat’s secured zone.

Following the breach of the defensive lines, a call for surrender and co-operation was broadcast by Taayusaka Corporate Security, promising supplies and fair treatment to the inhabitants of the besieged city.

Commander Jonatya Fauneux of the Cieléclat garrison was quick to condemn the collaborators in a public address just prior to the beginning of the evacuation:

"In the face of betrayal, I see traitors among us—spineless collaborators who forsake our Federation, inviting these corporate vultures into our sanctuaries. They are cowards, stabbing us in the back while we bleed for our home!

It is imperative that we unite and respond to this betrayal with determination. Let our collective resolve be the furnace that forges our resistance. We shall demonstrate to these turncoats and their corporate masters the unyielding spirit that defines us!

For Cieléclat! For Athounon! For the Federation!"