Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

YC125.10.16 // ATHOUNON VI

Following the successful siege of Cieléclat, CorpSec forces belonging to Taayusaka Eskeitan are reported to have taken full control of the Federal city. The operation involved the expulsion of the defending garrison and a swift occupation, with the corporation establishing a strong military presence, including a system of checkpoints, the takeover of the city’s own defense network and, in an escalation of the corporation’s deployment on the planet, the stationing of a Gwennan-class Warbarge in low geosynchronous orbit over the captured Cieléclat.

After their conquest, Taayusaka forces initiated comprehensive sweeps of the city aimed at neutralizing resisting forces, and intensive “asset repossession” operations targeting valuable resources and alleged Triglavian technological artifacts. The corporation has employed a somewhat measured approach regarding the locals, ensuring restrained treatment of compliant civilians. Residents who collaborate with corporate forces receive much needed aid and supplies, highlighting the corporation’s strategic focus on fostering collaboration and cooperation among the populace.

This operation marks a significant development in the ongoing struggle for control and influence on Athounon VI. The corporation’s actions have sparked debates among local communities regarding the implications of co-operation with the invaders. Advocates of collaboration point to the substantial collateral damage that has occurred wherever Taayusaka met serious resistance, while those that support their operations have typically found their approach relatively benign.